Adjust font size?

Is there any way to adjust font size levels? I’ve found the printing is so small as I play the game on my t,v via my ps4 console that gun descriptions, shields, side missions, etc. are often too hard to read. I never had this problem before in any other Borderlands game but I am in BL3.


Menu - Option - Accessibility - Scroll down to second from bottom.

Hope that helps

Yeah but even when you go to adjust it, it seems that it really only enlarges the CC font and not so much the font for everything else which is really what the struggle is… I do not understand why making the font so small even made sense…

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I agree, Smurfkicker, enlarging the CC font doesn’t help. If I had known this I would have ordered the PC version, where the laptop screen is closer top my eyesight than the TV screen. Although I don’t have this problem with anything else on the TV- just BL3.

Increasing text size is one of the top complaints. Gearbox tweeted saying it is something they are looking into fixing soon.


Great. I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one having a problem with this and if Gearbox can fix it I’d be one happy camper. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Go to Visuals > Hud Scale set it to 1.2 .

or 1.3

You can set custom subtitles size in the Accessibility menu.

You must be playing on a PC, I’m playing on PS4. There is no HUD scale in visuals or subtitles in accessibility on the PS4. But thanks anyway.


Just do what I do on PS4 and you will be fine,…

If I am on the big screen, I get up to read stuff and go sit back down. (repeat as necessary)
If I am on my portable, I consistently have bad posture as my face is glued to the screen. (Stand and stretch every 30 min-1 hour)

Seriously though it sucks.

That was Sept. 2019. Now it’s April 2020 and Gearbox has done nothing to fix the problem at all. This is in reply to ckx00000.


They are “looking into it” … 7 months to fix a font issue.


There’s subtitles, I have them on right now. But I do agree the font size is pretty bad.

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Its not just the subtitles though, the skill trees are impossible to read in split screen as well as gun stats. We gave up trying to sit 2 feet from the tv or walking up to it to read stats.

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Considering we haven’t got an update yet from @GBX guess they are still “Looking into it”



Yeah, it’s a bit concerning.


Too bad we never got to see @GBX play actual split screen co-op on their show that was titled the same.


I’m really thinking about why don’t they make these bugs public where people can vote on each one of them. And then they can prioritize it accordingly.

Like you would have a “Tediore guns will be invisible after Fl4k fade out skill” and then not every person has to submit a ticket (and most of them probably won’t even bother submitting one, they just accept the bug and move on, so the developer (gbx in this case) will never get that one additional report that “yeah another user has this issue”)but with this bug voting system much more people would just press the “vote up” button on it.

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This would actually show all the bugs in the game to the public which they don’t want to do why show bugs to people who aren’t affected by them. Plus it means there is a list from GBX of unfixed bugs so they can’t just go silent on the bugs like they have with so many.

My guess is that they legit can’t fix the text size as it is tied into all the UI and would require basically rebuilding a large portion of what’s seen on screen and they don’t want to actually put money into fixing a product that already made them good profit, plus knowing GBX would make a ■■■■ ton more bugs.

They screwed up and didn’t thoroughly test their product ahead of time on an actual console but yeah no reason for them to actually make fans of the series that have played since BL1 release happy and actually make their broken product enjoyable to play.


No, they didn’t test it. They had us pay full price to be their testers and went from there. Of course BL3 sold well because people like ourselves who have been playing since BL1 were looking forward to it and at least expected somewhat of the same when it came to split screen and console performance.

I also agree that as much as it would be nice for them to show a list of bugs they are working on and I don’t mean their “We’re looking into it” or “We’re aware of it” blowing smoke statements , it would certainly hold them more accountable. If you want to see a good example of how bugs should be addressed you should see how PCF are doing with Outriders, they are actually adressing issues that people are having and giving updates. Is the game perfect, no but I have to tip my hat to them for their communication.

I just know I will not be lining up to get their latest and greatest anytime soon.


I’ve never played split screen since I am just getting into multiplayer and also don’t have the space to have friends over but I can see how that could be annoying. I recently got a new 43 inch screen TV that has helped a lot. But yeah it’s annoying to sit that close especially when one of my cats freaks out when anything is different, like me sitting in a gaming chair in front of the TV.

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