Looting Vault Chests - Underwhelming

Can we see a buff to Vault Chest drop rates? I honestly don’t think there should be anything below blue rarity in them, they’re supposed to be special weapons for beating VAULT MONSTERS. Instead it feels like i’m being treated to Marcus’ special discounted weapons that he lost to some bandits that stole from him.

The most underwhelming part of my adventure in borderlands 3 was beating some big baddie and seeing nothing but green loot. Outside of maybe farming for a legendary specific, i don’t see myself revisiting any of those vaults. Except maybe the graveward cuz supposedly he himself drops legendaries, not even his vault.

Edit - I was excited one time to enter a vault, got 1 blue drop from 4-5 chests, and was never excited to loot them again. I almost wanted to skip looting the chests for the rest of the game. held out hope for the 1-2 blue/purple that came sometimes.


The best loot chests are the monsters. Think Diablo 3. The developers referred to Diablo numerous times in interviews regarding different features of the game.

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I get that the monsters are actually the best loot sources, but it doesn’t make any sense and every borderlands game hypes up literally LOOTING the vaults. They literally spray the room at the end with a TON of loot. Usually more in the DLC than the core game. But seriously, why does Captain Scarlett’s loot chests (which are a ton in BL2) offer literally blues and above but the VAULT OF ALL VAULTS at the end of BL3 offer liiiiiiiiiitterally greenpalooza.

That’s terrible…


Yeah, even if no legendaries drop, it should really be at least a room full of purples. Finding weak greens in a vault after killing a monster that dropped a ton of loot makes me wonder why we are “vault hunters” to begin with. We should just be “monster hunters” then. No one in their right mind would risk so much for a room full of greens.

Vaults should be like General Knoxx’s Armory. Boxes everywhere.


Pretty much all chests are underwhelming, even BEFORE the nerf. Here’s a pair of Mayhem 3 THVM chests:


Totally agree here! Just beat the big ape-thing and got 2 underwhelming legendaries and the vault itself was mostly green crap with a few blues.

I think that chest is decent though. I don’t expect the loot vault chests to look exactly like the golden chest in sanctuary when we use keys, but they should do better than completely green or 1 blue. Sometimes you get whack purples and its like damn, but at least you see purples.

Loot vaults be like - here’s the trash, i mean weapon stash =). Its almost like lillith is taunting me, “go get that loot killer” - go get some green and whiteS? na

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Yeah, I’ve yet to get anything better than a purple from a Vault chest, and I only got 1 of those, the rest were green and blue.

Totally agree. A complete let down after a 10 minute fight. The loot spray is fun and I would like to see it continue but there needs to be a guarantee of at least one Legendary. At least. Why else would this vault hunter risk their life…oh we’re supposed to be the good guys. Yay.

No true Vault hunter would ever loot vaults if they didn’t have to - there’s nothing in them worth taking!

Totally takes away from the story not ever getting anything from them!

There isn’t one instance in BL3 where you run into a treasure room/vault with tons and tons and tons of loot chest like you had in BL2. Why not? This was half the fun of completing a map or a tough boss fight. As I said elsewhere, a complete miss this go-round.


There wasn’t any in the initial release of bl2. Captain Scarletts dlc introduced that one room. But the purpose of the loot shooter is farming. If you don’t get what you want the first time, try, try, and try again.

The initial release of BL2 only containted 1 vault as well. It makes sense with this game that more vaults = more loot. Farming is cool and all fam-a-lam and again, not asking for leggos to be in there just chillin 4 at a time, but unless you’re literally using legendary equips or really broken ones, the bosses take time to kill and grind, especially on players’ first run. There’s no excuse for underwhelming loot that is mostly white>green. The game thinks its rewarding you by letting you loot the room. In reality it’s giving us pain inside.

When the game tells you to “loot the vault” there shouldn’t be a looming feeling of disappointment in the air.

When I killed Graveward the vault was bloody empty! That was seriously disappointing.

There is so much more loot in this game than BL2… So much more. That’s the issue with RNG. It’s random. Hence farming. Yeah, some parts are a grind, but if you search every where and do all side quests, you’ll get that loot. If you don’t, retry the boss. Loot and shoot. That’s what BL is all about.

I can’t even remember how many times I killed Crawmerax… And you want to talk about the lack of good loot… BL1 was severely lacking. The GotY enhanced edition fixed alot of that. And that was just released recently.

What’s funny is people complain when they don’t get good gear and then complain when they get too much… Lol… Mayhem mode is where the loot is. I love mayhem mode.

First vault…defeat boss…he drops 2 orange and 1 purple…go into the arch to the …other dimension? open the 4 chests there…1 purple rest all blue and green…i mean it’s the inside of the vault…should be at least 1 orange in there…

Once you are in the vault the symbols on the chests change colors… orange to purple to blue to green… you have to run and hit open as quick as possible on orange to get an orange gun… they turn colors very quickly

The best is Eden 6 vault boss… go in the vault and check your reward…

Ok… 4 of them rubbish green chests and no red chests anymore… This is in story playthrough on TVHM

Jeez thanks for hyping up the vault Tannis


Then why do the drops from these Vault (boss) “monsters” suck so bad?


5-8 legs on M3 per 10 minute tour is not that bad.