Beware, Fl4k's of the world (Bug Report)

This is a very specific bug that only happens on/with Fl4k, so I found it appropriate to post it here.

If you drop an item from your inventory, for example for faster trades, be aware of the fact that items can fall through the floor or disappear if they fell through your pet first! And those items don’t show up in the lost loot stash either! This happened to me thrice while sharing equipment and I was lucky that it just were some relics.

I can’t say why it’s happening, but I assume/guess that pets have different collision properties assigned to them, which might break the collision of items that go through them.

yep, happen to me a lot. sometimes my inventory is full and I want to grab a skin, so I drop a gun to quickly grab the skin and release the inventory space again to grab my gun, but no more on the floor :sleepy:

Bumping this Thread for now to spread the awareness. Loosing good stuff isn’t fun

Hasnt happened to me yet, but I’ll make sure pet is away before I drop anything on floor

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