Were can I find the hex I’m level 50 mayhem 3 I wanna know what boss to farm for the hex any hex preferably the recurring hex
It used to be at Athenas at the Creature Boss Chupacabra something but ever since the hotfix update it doesn’t spawn there anymore
Ive been looking for it also I got a MIRV Hex Grenade lvl 13 was so OP hits criticals and good for my MOZE build but I’m lvl 50 Guardian Rank on TVHM and its weak but I still use it for regenerating health and ammo because of the MOZE skills
I found a bunch of hex grenades when I was farming Tyreen the Destroyer yesterday. Might have been just luck tho.
Btw, Recurring Hex I think is an even better version. It clones the grenade AND has the MIRV modifier on it as well.
I fount out that kawagawa ball can drop the recurring hex
I’ve gotten the Hex recently from Tyreen.