Hi All,
Im hoping to get some clarity on this preferably from a Dev at some point. I am aware Gearbox have applied a hotfix recently to nerf the drop rate of loot, however I have a few specific questions regarding this choice.
The following is snippet of a direct quote from the Dev update post re-recent hotfix applied: (removed anything non-droprate related)
- “Eridium crystals in Voracious Canopy grow less frequently.” - Understandable - from what I can gather this was more of an issue with spawn rates on the crystals being set to 100% un-intentionally. It is also specific enough for us to know exactly what they fixed.
- “Scaled down the amount of loot drops in Mayhem Mode.” - Not specific enough. this is the main cause for confusion & concern.
- “Chupacabratch dropped too much of his hard-earned loot.” - Specific, again, have no problem if they’ve identified an actual cause for concern in one particular enemy.
- “Adjusted spawn rate of Loot Tinks in Mansion. They’re special again.” - Same as point 1, specific & I think spawn rate was incorrectly set at 100%.
Having browsed the forums for other similar topics in relation to the main cause of conern outlined above; you find very differing opinions from players commenting on their experience with the changes - none of which allign in any meaningful way for us to form a reliable conclusion. Some say “its not that bad” some claim “its worse than BL2 pre-loot buff” with others saying this has affected more than just the mayhem modes 1/2/3 respectively & have affected Normal & TVHMs.
From my play experience so far (Only level 22, beaten first vault, heading into Eden 6) personally I felt the consistency of drop rates was near-perfect. Every drop of a legendary so far has been exciting enough to keep you going & it was a hugely welcome change to the endless grinds of other looter shooters that have hit the market in recent years. (Anthem/Division 2, im looking at you among others!) So here’s hoping the change doesn’t affect the path towards Mayhem modes as some people seem to be reporting.
I also appreciate that, although not having progressed anywhere near end-game content yet - I have easily spent equal to / if not more time watching popular youtube channels / twitch streamers whom have all a wealth of playtime; more so than the majority of the rest of us can rack up in the same space of time for obvious reasons - it’s their job.
Now - there is a fairly clear concensus across the board from these people that the loot pre-hotfix did seem to literally ‘rain from the sky’ & in some cases - bosses dropping 4+ legendaries at once. Some claiming its too much, others more than happy with this.
My argument and opinion: - what is the actual problem with this level of drop rate? A good portion of the marketing campaign for this game was based around making it rain loot - and god knows theres literally millions of guns in this game - correct me if im wrong but the odds of getting the ‘perfect’ gun would still be fairly low in relation to obtaining 3 - 5 legendaries at a time in some cases? You literally need the stars to allign as follows:
- first of all you need the item you want to actually drop, out of a pool of potentially thousands of different legendaries,
- secondly it needs to drop as an ‘annointed’ variant ,
- thirdly the ‘annointment’ needs to be class specific,
- fourth… it needs to be in some cases a particular class-ACTION specific annointment,
- and finally, it needs to have all the prefixes / rolls / elements that you are looking for.
Those of you who’ve spent a bit of time in Diablo 3 will know this grind & legendaries in high torments in that game drop every few seconds - it still doesn’t mean you get a perfectly geared character anytime soon, far from it infact.
I think what separates BL3 & the franchise as a whole is the generosity of this game in the current climate; nothing is locked behind endless microtransactions or dreaded loot boxes - it is a breath of fresh air to just jump in as a now more casual gamer and get more than satisfying rewards for your time & effort spent - with the grind from what I can tell so far still being there for those who want the ‘perfect’ weapons - I dare anyone to show me a screen grab of a perfect weapon having already been obtained, let alone a full load out for a character.
Let me know your thoughts, could really do with feedback from those of you who are right on the end game content with how the new drop rates are - am I still going to be dazzled by loot when I work my way into Mayhem 3 & destroy a boss or is it going to be a case of ‘god I hope a legendary drops this kill, havn’t had one in 3 - 4 kills now’ because that ■■■■ is demoralising. I’d much rather they make the bosses & content in general harder than the loot less common. Hoping you tell me im over reacting !
Kind Regards