Do you need the anointed weapon in your hand to benefit from the Anointed Ability?
Would be cool if you could just equip the Anointed weapon into one of your slots and benefit from it without actually using it.
Do you need the anointed weapon in your hand to benefit from the Anointed Ability?
Would be cool if you could just equip the Anointed weapon into one of your slots and benefit from it without actually using it.
i believe so, at least it works that way for my SMG that does +100% damage on action skill end.
I ended up being able to test it out.
The anointed ability is only in effect when you’re using the weapon the ability is on.
What a mess, the “Anointed-Text” says:“If digiclone is activ it regenerates 12% magazine-ammunation per second.”
What a great effect on a weapon that has only 1 shot in it’s magazine. xD
Haha! xD
Random is random I guess. It kinda proves to me that the anointed properties are just added randomly to whatever.
And I like that. You can end up with some really interesting undreamed combos the devs never thought of. THAT is fun.
Has anyone noticed that Annoints arent appearing on gear as consistently? I remember annoints being on each piece of gear (give or take), but as of today, for some reason, I seem to only see them on about 50% of pieces of gear.
Anyone else noticed this? Is this perhaps an adjustment or a mistake?
First, would have been better to just create a nzw topic then bumping a year old one.
Second, playing on M10/11 has 100% anointment rate. No idea for the other mayhem levels
This is just a wild guess but it could be +10*mhmlvl% chance for an item to be anointed. Just a guess, I haven’t tested it. I either play mhm0, 1 or 10.