Possible Spoilers: Putting 1000 Eridium into Moxxi's Slots

(I couldn’t find if there was a thread for this. If so I can delete & merge)

I had 1007 Eridium so I used Moxxi’s slots, 100 presses. The sample size is way too small to be statistically relevant, but this is what I got back;

Orange 5
Purple 6
Blue 13
Green 2
White 7
Eridium 17
Nothing 50

I was very happy getting 5 ledges - 2 Transformer shields (exact same stats), a Stop Gap shield, a Ten gallon (Ted Smg) and Gatling Gun (Jak AR).
All the white & green items were relics. Done at level 40.
Happy hunting,

Since Crazy Earl only seems to only stock garbage I will probably do the same with mine. Unless there is something better to do with the sweet purple stuff?

I’ve gotten some nice upgrades for gear from the vending machine next to Earl, but other than that, I’d say Slots are good. I’ll probably eventually buy everything from Earl just to say I got it, but yeah, his Stock sucks.