I just wanted to toss out a sound board for any ideas you might have envisioned for our latest crew of Bandit Squishing Vault Hunters. Things that look good for a night out in the streets of the war torn city of Meridian or slogging through the swamps on Eden 6 and doesn’t stain easily with bandit blood unless it adds to the feng shui of the outfit.
Personally, I think our man Flynt needs a well tailored BlackTuxedo and a slicked back hairstyle as he shows off his 00Zane outfit.
With Amara I’m getting a Peach colored ball gown, Blonde hair and a tiara maybe even with some 8 bit accents as she wears the Princess Pain outfit.
Fl4K has been a bit tougher but I don’t think that a full on Loader Bot skin would be much of a stretch to pull off for the AI Companion set.
Last but not least we have Moze. Underneath that Titanium exterior could possibly exist a softer yet equally deadly side. A smooth red evening gown and red flowing hair could really bring that out as part of the Mrs. Rabbit set complete with red overalls, rabbit ears and a polka dot bow tie for Iron Bear.