Hey guys just starting a Maya build and curious to know what tree is best for starting in? She has so many viable options.
I was thinking cataclysm first and go from there…any advice?
Hey guys just starting a Maya build and curious to know what tree is best for starting in? She has so many viable options.
I was thinking cataclysm first and go from there…any advice?
You really can’t go wrong with any choice because Maya has many great skills available right away, but I prefer to start in the middle Harmony tree then branch out at a certain point.
Getting Sweet Realease right away is a great healing skill and after that is filled, getting Wreck helps with a big dips boost while phase locking enemies. If you’re playing multiplayer, this allows you to pic up Res as soon as possible as well which is huge.
If you’re playing solo, the I prefer to go to the motion tree next to start getting points into Ward, Accelerate, Suspension, Converge and Inertia. I really only go for Foresight in the Cataclsym tree early on in normal mode.
Like I said, it’s hard to choose a wrong tree, just make sure and avoid her useless skills and you should be good to go.
As you say… It’s hard to decide which tree to go down first. They’re all really good. As tempting as it might be to pick Cataclysm first, I’d recommend that you start in Motion. Ward, Kinetic Reflection and Converge, which is one of Maya’s best skills. After that, I’d spec into Sweet Release and Wreck in the Harmony tree. If you feel that you need healing earlier on, you could drop a point a point or two in SR right from the start.
Now you’re ready to go down Cataclysm. Have fun!
Great Ingo, thank you. What to you isconsidered useless? Cloud kill? Blight phenoix?
Harmony all the way through Normal. I like Motion and Cataclysm more as you get into UVHM and level 50-60 range. But you get a little bit of everything in Harmony making it a good tree to start with while you learn Maya.
Pretty much how I did it when I first played Maya except no Res (I play solo 99% of the time) and I maxed Sustenance over Life Tap…
Cloud kill is utterly useless. Blight Phoenix and Helios are also really bad. Flicker… adds a very small increase in elemental chance, but because of BL math, it’s barely noticeable. When you get to UVHM, you have to rely heavily on slagging, and there’s no better method than specing into Ruin for that. So… you need to spend 5 points in Helios, BP or Flicker to get there. Helios can be used with Ruin and Moxxi guns for healing, and BP has a knock-back effect on melee enemies that try to rush you. Those are the only redeeming factors of those skills.
The way to go in Cataclysm until you get to UVHM is Foresight, Immolate, Chain Reaction and Reaper. The rest of your skill points are better used in Motion and/or Harmony in NVHM and TVHM.
I usually start in Harmony and the move to Motion. At the end of normal I have Sweet Release, Wreck, Ward, Suspension, Converge and some points in Foresight. If I find a good Cat COM I let at least one point in Mind’s Eye and Accelerate for the bonus.
My main goal in TVHM is to get Chain Reactions as fast as I can. After this is your call: you can go down to Life Tap, Sub-Sequence or get Reaper and then Ruin.
Seems like lots of different ways to start her. Wouldn’t you want to get ruin asap? Or is too much in cat too early not a good idea?
I was just thinking that you’d want to make the most out of phase locking as soon as you can.
Maybe motion tree and in between put a few in harmony for heals and wreck. I play 100% solo, so I don’t need or want any second party skills.
Ruin is a must have in UVHM, where you need slag to play. Until then I find that a combination of Suspension, Converge, Wreck and Chain Reaction is the best way to use Phaselock effectively. Sweet Release and Ward add a lot of survivability too, what is nice.
Good advice.
I was thinking starting foresight, Helios ( good in nm) and chain. Sweep to sweet release and wreck, then go into accelerate, suspension and converge. That may work, bc is ward really better over a 15% flats rate dmg
You can start with Cataclysm until Chain Reaction and then move to Converge. They are amazing thogeter!
After, you can get Sweet Release for more survivability and then go back to Cataclysm to get Ruin. You can do this before level 50 and still have 3 points left to Wreck or Inertia, your call.
This work nicely with a Binder COM, one of her best COM in my opinion.
You can even use a Trickster COM and trade Suspension for Kinect Reflection, but I find a Binder setup better in overall.
Hope it helps!
If your going to be playing with other people with maya for most of the time go down the Harmony Tree till you at least get the Res Ability after that both side trees are very good. If your Soloing most of the game then grab the life orbs from the phaselock right away which is the right harmony tree ability to start then after that go down the Catalyst tree i think it is called, this tree specializes in elemental damage and the last ability is by far the most helpful in her entire skill tree. either way this is the red tree on the right. My Main Siren has the res ability and the full set down the red tree finally i finished by going down the green simply so i could get the recharge which is helpful. Do not get the mind control its really annoying and the regular phaselock is so much better
I love Binder too and my end game build utilizes Legendary Binder. When I first played through with Maya I went down Cataclysm too, drawn by the elements and such. Wrong move. Motion is where it’s at for a PL-focused build. Extending PL duration and reducing cooldown is going to serve you far better than just adding to DPS skills through NVHM and into TVHM. With that in mind and that you’re going through solo:
Level 15: http://bl2skills.com/siren.html#503000000002000000000000000000
Level 20: http://bl2skills.com/siren.html#505001200002000000000000000000
Level 31: http://bl2skills.com/siren.html#505001450002000000000400000000
Level 50: http://bl2skills.com/siren.html#505001450005000000000550500500
Re-spec for UVHM: http://bl2skills.com/siren.html#505001410003000000000555500501
Look for a Chrono Binder initially, then Cunning Binder once you get a point in Reaper. Always go blue with this class mod with points in Reaper and Suspension. This will serve you well until you find a Legendary Binder beginning at level 62.
No sub sequence for multiple enemy locks??
Also I assume ward surpasses accelerate by a wide margin?
Pick up Sub sequence later as you move into UVHM.
Ward is solid defense combined with Inertia. Accelerate is only a modest increase and nothing that should take priority over Ward. Pick it up later when you have points to spare.
Alright. Great advice as always dano. Thanks!
So between ward and inertia we have some pretty quick shield regeneration. What kinda shields are we looking at here? High capacity, Novas? Etc?
I gave my reasoning in another post on this place but I tend to favor healing skills in any genre of game- staying alive means you can finish the game, as it were. Relying strictly on kill skills to replenish health is something I just don’t do- I prefer a constant means of regaining health…