I’m not 100% sure that Adaptive shield’s health transfers and I don’t know of any way to test this but if You Have My Shield works as described they should gain the health and elemental resistance bonus. Digi-Jacks gain additional health increases (e.g., Bolster and Promote the Rank) that Jack doesn’t so they seem to function independently of one another. I’d either go VIP or Protagonist for a BA Digi-Jack build because of Bolster. Role Model always seemed to underperform for me and I thought it would be much stronger.
Still, I always imagined the damage bonus would be more consistent than the boost from bolster, which would disappear if I moved too far away.
Thats the build I’m using. As you can see, I don’t have too many passive damage bonuses. Did you find the difference in your damage output to be small even with resolute boosted? If so, I may have to go back to the drawing board…
I like Resolute but I think it’s the fact that it triggers based on you taking damage, not you AND Digi-Jacks. Since they draw a lot of agro it just doesn’t seem as frequent as I thought. But perhaps it’s just a play style issue and if you’re out in front more and taking that damage then it’s obviously a very nice boost to both damage and damage resistance.
Well, I feel stupid. I thought it procced when you or the jacks took damage. That kinda defeats the purpose of accountablility if it only activates upon me taking damage.