Best LLM Farming?

My go to place for LLM farming is Thousand Cuts - with Rocko’s Modern Strife open there are no enemies to face and it’s a pretty easy run. But I see a lot of people discussing LLM runs in the WEP which on the face of it seems much harder as you have to fight through a fair amount of enemies just to get to where the LLMs are at. So each run will take a LOT longer. Am I missing something? Do the ones in the WEP give better loot or something?

No, but 4 guaranteed everytime with Doctor’s Orders + numerous other chances when you loot everything + chance at tubby stalkers and skags + Pimon and Tumba (spelling?), + 4 red coffin chests + Son of Mothrak = very popular run.


If you have the Creature Slaughter Dome, entering and exiting it before continuing to the box room means that when you quit and restart, you spawn outside that door. That cuts down considerably on the traffic you have to cut your way through.

While you still have to get through that building, the centrifuge, and the area outside the LLM box room building, you have the benefit of several additional boxes/chests along the way that can also spawn LLMs. It’s also reasonably common to have Timon & Pumbaa spawn then come in and fight you in that same building.

The final thing is that, so long as you haven’t picked up a single echo, you get a guaranteed minimum of three (and most often four) LLMs every time from the boxes. In comparison, I’ve done Thousand cuts a few times with Rocko’s active and not seen a single LLM. I’ve had more luck in Sawtooth Cauldron and, even there, I’ve often gone with seeing only one LLM.

TL;DR it’s a dependable source of LLMs, and not too bad as you have additional chances of legendaries on the way.

If you have one of Mordecai’s quest, “Animal Rights”, active at the same time than “Doctor’s Orders”, the amount of ennemies is nicely decreased, so if you start from the Natural Selection Annex, you only have to fight through one group at the big gate guarded by the UB Loader.
4 guaranteed LLM in less than 10 minutes is hard to beat.
(and my personnal record is 6, as two spawned out from containers on the way).

Agree with WEP…
But I have seen more LLMs in Sawtooth Cauldron.

Thanks for the replies guys. I don’t have the Slaughterdome so I guess Thousand Cuts is better for me. Even though I don’t get guaranteed LLM spawns I can probably do a dozen runs for every single WEP one.

I either do WEP with Doctors Orders or Sawtooth. Both are usually good for 3 LLMs each.

Personally, I’ve always done WEP as well.

Had a nice run through STC last night. 6 or 7 midgets, got an avenger and a corrosive lyuda, and a nice corrosive relic.

Just asking, who of here has got a LLM in the Bandit camp at The Dust?

I have not, but have always wondered if they can spawn there (the Dust in general).

A couple of times, yes. At least once from a locker over in the camp by the Black Queen spawn area, and at least once from a container in the camp with the vault symbol and lost echo in it.

I was wondering about WEP at the end with Bloodwing. I was farming Mothrakk and thought, what if you were running around, picking up ammo and health, and suddenly got an LLM or two. That would be an OH CRAP moment for sure.

This is an interesting topic actually. I’ve never seen a LootyLootMidget in the dust. And the place you mention is a place I’ve been using since day 1 for all manner of runs. Must investigate this (and Gettle’s head in process)

@Lompoc_Carl - I personally think all ammo boxes have a flag whether they will be eligible for LLM’s. Without seeing the code that’s an assumption. But particular boxes I know spawn them, and others don’t. This comes from a few bazillion hours worth of play. And the ones in Bloodwings enclosure don’t.

Loot midget marauder at the Dust.

Now, I remember that I also got a LLM JET Loader in Hero’s Pass once.

twice now in the last 24 hours at the WEP I’ve had a LLM “appear” seemingly out of nowhere when fighting the Stalkers at the very beginning. I can only assume they were hiding in a skag pile which is uncovered when I Phaselock a Stalker and my bullets ricochet off and hit the pile with Chain Reaction? Don’t remember ever having this before?

Getting LLMs from stalker pods at WEP is quite normal. It is even possible to see Jimmy Jenkins popping from that stuff.

Phaselock tends to explode any skagg piles in the vicinity, along with stalker goo and those pots in DLC4. The blast from it seems to have a sizeable radius!

I thought that loot midgets, which Jimmy is classified as, could only pop out of containers, crates, etc.

Nope. JJ and LLMs can pop out of all kinds of things. It’s most common to see them come out of boxes, lockers, and ammo crates, but it’s been mentioned by several different posters on these forums that they can pop out of other places - specifically poop piles - too.