I have been following Borderlands 3 scene for months, and I can totally say that this is the game I’ve been waiting the most in my entire life.
In August I bought 2 copies of the Super Deluxe Edition of Borderlands 3, and I spent every day with my hype growing.
I was looking forward to play it with a friend of mine, with whom I have played all the previous chapters of this awesome game series, and it has been a gaming experience I’ll never forget.
We used to play with two TV and two PS4 simply connected via LAN, with no internet access available. I agree with the fact that the World is becoming connected, but it’s undeniable that not every area is properly provided with an internet connection designed to play online.
Moreover, even if an internet connection is present, the LAN function remains a valid option for many more reasons.
Yesterday we were finally able to setup our gaming environment to play the so-waited third chapter. We connected everything, we started the game and we tried to create a LAN group.
After some minutes of searching, we discovered that the LAN function was not available on this game. I have never been so disappointed due to a game as this time.
Searching on the web, we saw that only PC is provided with that function, while consoles have to stay connected to a proper internet access to play in LAN.
In the week previous to the launch of the game I contacted the game support, that stated the following:
Today I don’t have anymore interest in playing this game. I bought it with the certain assumption that LAN would have worked as in the previous games. I bought this game to play with a friend, not to enjoy a single-player campaign.
Now, I feel so mocked and frustrated because it surely seems that this could have been done for economic reasons: you are required to pay to play online on consoles (indeed, LAN is available on the PC, where you don’t have to have an online subscription). If this is true, and they have just removed a function that it was so simply integrable to sell our potential online service subscription purchases, I would be so pissed. Those type of decisions are worth to see the brand failing during the years, and the production with them. This is just an hypotesis and I realy hope this is not the case of GearBox and 2K, because it would be literally ridiculous.
Splitscreen was the only chance we had to play, but since there’s no vertical split and we don’t have such a big TV, I would rather play BL2 again instead the new one.
I would be even willing to pay the useless (in my case) online subscription in order to be able to play in offline LAN, if it’s my money what you want.
I will start a refund process of the 200€ I have spent on this game if there won’t be a soon update to fix these unbeliavable-missing features. I really don’t want to do this, but if there’s no other way I’ll try my best to go against this game.
Your fandom is really great and loves your game-design style: you should try not to lose it. Thanks for your time.