Most satisfying and most disappointing weapons in the DLC?

Oh man. It feels so good to have all these new items to hunt down and use. More so when most have a sweet synergy with your class.

I think the Laser Disker takes the cake for me. Eat your heart out Mr Torgue. Tediore, apparently, got better boom.
Let’s see what this thing does for my classes:

It is a Tediore laser, so it has a nice tesla effect upon reload, which gives me Maelstrom, which means this thing buffs itself. And the mag size becomes ridiculous.

Increase in magazine, but more importantly, it has a tesla effect, which can freeze if you get Cold War, which is awesome, because frozen enemies will receive a pounding with the Disker’s explosive reload damage.

The Disker is Tediore, which means lots of reloads, which means many buffs, and LnS, and SWAB, and it’s explosive.

Well, the Disker is a weapon, so it does have some kind of synergy with her.

Grenade bonuses, magazine bonuses, added cryo to not have to swap, what’s not to like?

Added cryo, and then reload for instant success.

Add to these the fact that the projectile is treated as a rocket, and there you have it. A perfect option for RL challenges, while still being able to complete laser challenges, minus the crit ones. And leaving out its synergy with everyone, its damage is phenomenal, and it is very ammo-efficient for reload chucking. And it apparently deals increased damage to airborne enemies? Plus it is amazingly accurate. Truly the Eddie of lasers. And it gets boosted by Eddie. What an exceptional weapon it is. A really tough act to beat.

The most disappointing for me would be the Omni-Cannon.
This thing is inherently bad. I don’t mind that it gets no element, but the explosion cannon crit and its damage is too low, the reload speed is too high, and the fire rate is too low. You’d think that a Hyperion sniper rifle with added explosive would be at least decent, but no. Even classes with seemingly synergy with it cannot make it work. That’s how terrible this thing is.
Suggestion to the developers: Reverse the values of reload speed and fire rate. And buff the explosion to at least 100% of the bullet.

Well, looks like I won’t have to farm the Omni-Cannon then.

As for most satisfying:
Kaneda’s Laser.
Not really a fan of rocket launchers in this franshise (well, Mongol and Topneaa’s aside), but damn, this thing kicks ass! Acts like a laser, absurdly accurate and it can crit.

most satisfying? glitched guns! love all effects!! the two new Hyperion shields. Rerouter (finally a good amp shield) and Shield of Ages.

most disappointing: Fusiliade. Bandit AR. nuff said.

I’ll second Kaneda’s laser for most satisfying (finally, a “rocket launcher” that can crit, where explosive crits on frozen targets do even more damage!) Honorable mention goes to the Omni Cannon… in a game where you can freeze enemies, it would be a crying shame not to have an explosive sniper rifle of some sort.

…least satisfying would be the Party Popper, but I’m pretty sure I just haven’t figured out how to use it yet.

Most satisfying is the laser disker :blush:
Pew pew pew ! It’s lasers AND explosions!
It also happens to be VERY good!

Most disappointing would be everything Scav…
They keep screwing them up while it would be easy to make them good: increase the base damage!
They have crappy accuracy, awful reload times and big mags (which kinda goes hand in hand with reload time) and mediocre fire rate… Give them damage for pyro Pete’s sake! That’s all they need!

Easy enough: it’s flaws are slow fire rate (gotta balance it somehow) and the fact that it cannot crit.

Nisha is the master of fire rate boosts and illegitimate crits.