this is my current build with a projection class mod +5/+4/+4: with that build i have 6 skill points left.
i run Hyperion gear only. for the “sponsored by” skill, i usually switch from a Torgue or Vladof weapon to my Hyperion guns (Fatale, Viral Marketeer or incendiary shottie, shock shottie).
i am doing pretty fine at Eclipse/Eos already, so i have no clue which skills could improve me further on that fight or the Mutator Arena.
since i use the Shield of Ages, i think i don’t need the “You Have My Shield” skill. that might Change, once i get my Rerouter shield though.
sooo, where should i put my last 6 skill points in?
i thought about putting 3 Points in 2 of those skills: “Winning”, “Optimism”, Delegation".
which 2 of those 3 skills should i take? or fill up “Teamwork” and put 5 points just in just one other skill?
any ideas? thanks in advance!!