Fast travel is so frustrating

I’m on the wrong planet ( I think) and need to find the planet that has a given mission. From sanctuary, i need to go to the fast travel station, press X, choose a location, press E on said location and keep my fingers crossed it’s the right one. Otherwise it’s tab out and start over.
In the beginning i couldn’t even figure out how to view other planets and that system just seems overly complicated. I might be dumb AF but to me the FT system needs another way of going about its business. In the other Borderlands, scrolling up and down through fast travel points takes 10 seconds. This should be just as simple. Instead i’ve now paused my game to complain. Yikes.


I understand the frustration as it takes some getting used. But I can see why they’ve gone with the current system as to list all of the possible fast travel locations would be a nightmare to navigation.

If you have the quest active, then you should see the ‘active quest diamond’ icon next to the planet. Then selecting that shows you the map within that planet the quest is on, and then you can travel there. Also, remember that you don’t need to go to a fast travel station to do this, just pull up the map in your menu from anywhere.


They could have list ed which planet region missions are located in the mission view AND provided a quick button to ft or go to nav.

The menuing atm is annoying and not spiffy.


That’s true, it could definitely use some refining!

My biggest gripe is when you open the map and try to look around. On console, flicking the left thumbstick left or right jumps you to the fast travel so you need to move up or down first to look around your current location. Bit of a pain.

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I could easily do with menues and sub-menues. It would be intuitive, in my mind, if i just tabbed into the mission segment, chose a mission and just got the option to fast travel to the area in question.

It never occured to me that the diamond in the menu actually meant “go here”, because when you go further on that very planet, everything but the cursed mission lights up. Sometimes the diamond means “this way” and sometimes not. I haven’t quite gotten hold of the logic in that system yet.

As of yet, the travelling in B3 is by far the worst part, and they went out and said it should be easier this time around. My brain isn’t wired in the same pattern as the devs i guess. :smiley:

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Suppose everyone’s different! I love that you can fast travel from anywhere, and fast travel back to a vehicle, guess those are the improvements they mean. You’d normally have to trek back in the area you can’t fit a car into, super convenient in co-op too.

I wasn’t a fan of the old fast travel menu in BL2, just a huge list I had to run my eye over, so I actually like the new way. But I agree that going to a mission and hitting travel would be a great addition.


This right here. I used to consult the mission log in bl2 20x more than I ever looked at the actual map. Now it’s difficult to figure out which mission goes where without zooming in and checking every waypoint

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I’ve had no issues, you can fast travel thru menu, no need to be at a fast travel station, you can also fast travel to your vehicle if you have one spawned.

Make sure mission is set to story, one wrong d pad movement will switch missions.


Hi, yep, I prefer the old travel system by milles.

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Same, i found fast travel rather confusing at first. Definitely could use some refining.

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I know that supposedly you can hop around and back to your car and such. Haven’t been able to make it work - so lucky for me that I mostly play co-op and can “hitch a ride” when someone else figures out where we are supposed to be.

Took me a while to notice the small “Fast travel to vehicle” option when you put your cursor over your spawned vehicle icon - it’s in the upper-right quadrant of the map screen instead of along the bottom. (On XB1 it’s press and hold A) Makes life a lot easier for those times you have to get out and walk to your objective!


At least on PS4 you can click R3 to jump from waypoint to waypoint (mission diamond, vehicle, yourself).

My gripe is that I can’t seem to fast travel to different locations within the same planet on different maps… and that missions don’t list planet name anywhere.

I’ll have to look for that haven’t used that yet, haven’t seen it yet, still learning the FT, as others have stated its difficult untill you get used to it

The new fast travel is vastly superior to the old one. You can highlight any fast travel location at any time from any place and be teleported instantly. You can highlight your vehicle and warp to it instantly, from anywhere. No more long slogs of running back and forth (which was the worst part of BL1 and 2).

Anyone that’s having problems either isn’t reading the text on the screen or encountering bugs.

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There do seem to be some FT bugs in the system under certain circumstances.

If anyone is having such issues, they can report them by filing a support ticket - steps to reproduce the issue would be extremely helpful.

Certainly your opinion. I disagree.

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It takes some getting use to but its better. Best practice is when you are going to fast travel go all the way out to select the planet then zone then area. The diamond will highlight where you need to go.

How could it not be? The old one was practically non-existent. The new one lets you travel anywhere from anywhere… The old one isn’t even comparable.