Negative Guardian Rank - How do I fix this?

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You got off easy tbh. Iā€™m sitting at -32 :frowning: No clue why. Just add this to the list of every growing frustrations. Iā€™ve lost almost 2 dozen legendaries in my bank that just poofed and disappeared too. Def wanted to go hard on this game, but itā€™s already beaten me down despite me wanting to play it. Also the negative levels seem to take like 100 times longer to pass compared to just GAINING tokens so even if you were hardcore enough to grind back to zero you would be missing out on HUNDREDS of upgrades. Pretty sure iā€™m just going to shelf it until the first update to fix all this nonsense comes out sadly.


i have negative 45


MY HERO! lol but yea, itā€™s very disappointing to grind a game hard only to hit a roadblock when the main focus of the progression is to, wellā€¦ grind :frowning:


Yeah negative levels take so much longer been -50ish 3 times now get back to 0 and it gives me like 20 or so levels when it fixes itself xD


It sucks man. No response from Tech support yet either.

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i had 56 levels (idk how) and then it was reset to 36 but only -1 point. tried the fix in the reddit post but no good.


OMG, how is this not play tested. Itā€™s broken for so many people they had to have noticed this. And after the debacle they had with badass ranks resetting in Borderlands 2 you think they would have made an extra effort to make sure this wasnā€™t screwed. Come on guys this is some simple math that you broke here and it should have been very apparent in even a tiny bit of testing as it happened to me after only 2 Guardian ranks it immediately drop to negative.


You mean the negative shield recharge time? Do I get something wrongā€¦ If we get a minus on shield recharge time itā€™s a good thing because the time the shield needs to recharge gets even lower, or am I just to stupid to do math right? The same goes for the Action Skill rechargeā€¦

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So Iā€™m not best at math sooooooā€¦lets go through this.

The game says you ā€œearnedā€ 31 guardian ranks.

Yet you have 51 skill points used.



Now Iā€™m more confused, what negative number do we talk about?

Edit: srry I just got it, sorryšŸ˜‚

Look at the Redeem token button. Its at -20 becuase the OP already has 51 skill points used on the tree already eventhough they should of only gotten 31 becuase of thier Guardian rank.

This is the games way to catch up. At Guardian rank 51 the score will be even.


There is a drastic difference in XP earned online vs offline and for some reason, even if you have never played offline, the cloud save system thinks you have. At no point should the game punish you for XP earned. This is awful. Both my friend and I have -48 now. We made it all the way to 0, earned 1 point and then it reset to -48. This is not an intentional feature, itā€™s a bug. Fix it.


Same problem, pls fix it.

Rank -43.

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Same ā– ā– ā– ā– .

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Iā€™m not sure how everyone else has been effected, but in my case, I was given like 15 free tokens. At first I just thought it was leveling fast, and I didnā€™t notice I was gaining tokens. Then I saw the negative tokens, and researched, and found I was mistakenly given free tokens by a bug in the game, and now it has me ā€œin debtā€ for them so to speak.

So, while it IS frustrating, I basically got a bunch of ranks up front. As I continued to level up, my debt has been getting erased. I was at -20, and after playing a few hours last night, Iā€™m at -17 or so

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This is not what happened to me. My guardian rank was correct prior to the bug. After the bug my guardian rank was reduced which put me in a token deficit. The negative ranks take significantly more time to earn back on a 1:1 basis.

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This is a bug. It randomly appears in my game.

@Tokesy97 - This is a bug and already appearing in the Technical Support threads.

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Again. Problem does not exist when offline.
I compared xp amounts after the bug occurred.
Boss XP online is ~800% less than offline XP gained.

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