Are Locations Bugged? (Resolved)

I have 2 planets only missing one location. One of the planets is Promethea were I have every location unlocked (I counted 42) but its saying I have 42/43. Every part of that planet says I have X/X (2/2,3/3,6/6,ext.) The other planet is Eden-6 where i am 14/15 on the starting area but i litterally have the whole map un-grayed. Anyone else having this problem?

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This extremely annoyed me as I’m a completionist, having done everything on a planet and it being between 96-99% infuriates me and I’ve no idea, the whole ungraying as you go was a horrible idea anyway, should have just kept to the bl2 style of discovering places, so much easier, it took me 4 hours on 1 part because I thought the discover all areas trophy was bugged, turns out I hadn’t touched a tiny bit of gray, honestly a joke

Well I think their totals are off. If you go to the planetary map of Pandora and go to challenges while just on the planet view, not areas, it says that Covenet Pass has 6 challenges, despite there only being 5. (1 mission, 3 locations, and 1 fast travel)

Have you finished the game yet? I think there’s a new location there at the end of the game.

I have finished it and im in the process of doing all side missions and finishing the challenges. Maybe I still have some side missions that involve those planets. We will have to see.

Try reading all the eridian scriptures too, those adds percentage I believe, I may be wrong tho

I am doing that. Im doing all the challenges, not just the claptrap, steal vehicles, dead drop, ext. I’m doing all except the red chests because I dont care to look THAT hard lol

See, because of the way they poorly designed the discover thing with ungraying the map, I’m having to ungraying every little part of the map, so I pretty much find everything, although the locations and showing the locations is dumb, so much more complex than bl2

I really havent had a problem with it. Just the locations. Like i litterally have every locarion for every area of Promethea checked off but yet is still says im missing one

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Weird how you say you don’t care that much, or want to look that hard yet you post many pics about it etc etc lol… try reloading certain areas and doing ALL the side missions and or True Vault hunter mode and some other… stuff… than itll all magically be done…

I said I dont care about finding the red chest. Thank you for your condesending comment tho. Plus I uploaded the pictures to show evidence of what I am asking about.

We’re you able to figure out the issue?
I’m having it as well

Sadly no. I am just moving on to leveling up other characters for now. Hopefully they patch it or something. Hopefully that will fix it. I will update this thread if I do find an answer tho.


Thank you for letting me know

No problem bro. Keep posted on this tho. Like I said if somehow I figute it out or it gets patched, I will post back on here and let people know.


Have you been to the Cistern of Slaughter area? That could be the last place you need

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it’s the last circle of slaughter. to get this are you need you go to the last planet. Nekrotafeyo. in one those areas there is a mission for this area you need, it won’t show up on the map or anything because it’s a secret end game slaughter dome that is very hard. happy hunting.

Could be. This still doesnt explain why Promethea is broken.

Have you located the Cistern of Slaughter yet? There are 3 circles of slaughter and each is it’s own map zone to a world so it makes those worlds counters look broken, well more broken than they are. The 3 circles can be entered for the first time in, Meridian Metroplex; go to the Lectra map entrance, turn around, walk straight and just follow the map around, but like walk straight until you cant go forward anymore. You should pass the support beam and end up going down an underpass. The other is through the galaxy map, the 3rd is through Konrads Hold. I haven’t located that one’s entrance yet.