What have you named your pets?

Gearbox made it so you can choose your pets name, and I thought it might be fun to make a thread where we share what names we chose. My pet is a Jabber named “Lovely”.


Wait, how do you do that? Did a patch come out or something?

Goto respec and on bottom you can change pet name

Mine is Bawlz

My Skag is called Scrappy,
My Spiderant goes by Tarantula
And the Jabber is called Bully Mongo (yes, I just had to^^)

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I named my Jabber “Jephphery”.
It’s named after a rabbit I saw.
Its a very dumb name, but I love it.

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I did seriously think about calling my scag “scrappy” but I hold to the hope that Earl smuggled him aboard Sanctuary. That would be soo cool. I also wish (as does the group I game with) that we could see each other’s pet names.

I named my Skag “Dukina” (in honor of the scag that I wanted at a pet in B2). I’m rather irritated at the poor design of the “Evolved” versions - but this game (compared to B2) just doesn’t look nearly as nice. I think it would have made more sense to base those looks on the horned and spiked scags.

Still working on what to call the SpiderAnt. I like her, but nothings coming to me.

As for the Jabber-whatsis…WTH? What is that thing? It’s so annoying. I was hoping for a more permanent Rakk, I would have loved one of the weird slug dudes from B1. Heck even a Varkid would be cool (after all the mutation stages are already sorta built in).

Scooter the Skag. It just popped into my head then later I hear that name used in the game - some past famous character I presume.

If I had a skag I would name it Courtney Love

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Skag - Fluffy
Spiderant - Spooderant
Jabber - SHUTUP

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Named my Jabber Harambe.


Charlotte the Spiderant
Noodles the Jabber
and Nanners the Skag.


I named my jabber “Apraham Lincgun”


Skag - Reign
Jabber - Gunter
Spiderant - Momo


Jabber: Tobias
Skag: Chucky
Spiderant: Hazel

I mainly use Countess so I tend to see Hazel the most

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Awww…Yes,very … dorky and sweet and interesting and brave character. Take a look at Ellie’s tattoo some time.

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I put down the best dog of my life in May of 2018 and it still is raw AF and hurts. She was a white boxer that I wittily named “Powder.” I have only used the skag in the game so far, and that’s its name. I must say, seeing Powder slaying next to me helps the healing. Laugh it up if you want, but it’s true.



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My Skag is Sir Pukey Wigglebutt.


My Skaag……Dogmeat…in honor of “Dogmeat” from Fallout 4 which is one of my favorite games…


Skag: Road Kill
Spiderant: Meat Shield
Jabber: Jabber Jaw