Which Badass tokens do YOU prioritize?

There are a lot of reasons people here might prioritize different bonuses over others in BL2 and TPS, and I figure most try to make an even distribution cross the board. What do you prioritize? What are the best, and possibly the worst bonuses for the characters you play most? Do you tailor your bonuses to a certain character or to all of them?

To start, I’ll share mine. Playing all the characters, I put points into just about everything, along with gun damage as number one. However, later on I figured out that there were two particular ones that are even more helpful than all the others in my experience. Reload Speed, and Elemental Effect Chance. The first because of all those FFYL situations where the reload time leads to death and because it helps keep up dps, and the second because its really nice to consistently get those DOTs stacking up quicker and more often. Right now I’m shooting for 50% reload speed and 30% effect chance, but who knows how long that’ll take since the options are chosen at random.

How have you distributed yours? What is your reasoning behind your top picked skills?


Priority to me:
Reload Speed
Gun Damage
Critical Damage (I like sniping.)
Shield Capacity / Recharge / Delay
Grenade Damage (I usually like grenade/explosive classes.)


My priorities:

critical hit damage
reload speed
melee / gun / grenade damage

(everything shields and health are my least chosen options)

  1. Fire Rate- the faster you shoot, the faster they die…
  2. Gun Damage- the more the deader…
  3. Critical Hit Damage- get deader faster…
  4. Elemental Effect Chance- increased chance of barbeques…
  5. Elemental Effect Damage- burn baby burn- or corrode or electrocute…
  6. Reload Speed- for when you can’t find cover to reload…
  7. Grenade Damage- for more EXPLOOOOOOSIONS!!!
  8. Shield Recharge Rate- when you want your protection back- unless you rock a RR…
  9. Shield Recharge Delay- not so good for nova and melee shields though…
  10. Shield Capacity- at OP8 not much of an asset…
  11. Melee Damage- for Zero, Krieg and Deathtrap…
  12. Gun Accuracy- Ok- for Zero…
  13. Maximum Health- again, OP8 makes this moot to a certain degree…
  14. Recoil Reduction- I tend to be a spray and pray type of shooter anyway so…

For me, the two elemental ones get highest priority, and everything else I just randomly click. The only roid shield I actually use for the roid damage is the Love Thumper, so the reduced delay time doesn’t bother me.

I parked my BL2 characters at a 20% buff across the board, and have been banking extra tokens (27 as I type this). My TPS characters are still spending them.


Doesn’t matter.which you prioritize, they have to be within 6% with each other. Eg. Reload 20%, the lowest of the least favorite 14%. Otherwise, you have only heath and the least favorite to choose on your next badass token.
Grenade and crit damage are the best for dps.


To be honest I prioritize everything. It doesn’t really matter to me because a bonus is a bonus. But I guess you shouldn’t take my opinion because I have 213% everything due to some sort of freak accident (to this day I have no idea why) and a badass rank of 416.000.000 so yeah.


Jesus, that’s got to help somewhat hasn’t it?

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No, that means game over for him, no fun left, overkill unless he disable the bonus. 30ish% is best, about 500k ranks. Anyway badass rank bonus goes super slow after 30ish, so no worry here.



But I have a badass rank of 20 million or so because I ignored BAR for a long while and I have 2794 badass tokens and I have no idea how to spend them because they’re too many and it’ll take ages (2794 clicks on the keyboard if I want it random). Doesn’t matter since I have everything at 10.6%.

I didn’t repeat that mistake in BL TPS though. Everything at 11.4% - 11.6% there.

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Sounds like you and aavincam play on a PC- myself I don’t know if I could resist the temptation of seeing exactly how far I could take the BAR under those conditions but it sounds as if it would literally be game breaking…

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I play on ps3. But what happened is I logged on and it said profile synced and give me a bunch a badass tokens. And eventually it just stacked more and more.

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Gun Damage takes highest priority for me. Then Shield Recharge Delay. Then Shield Capacity and Max Health, potentially one more bullet you can take. Then Critical Damage.

After that, a fairly even spread, though I’ll upgrade Grenade Damage and Melee Damage before everything else.

Fire Rate is usually the last thing to get the Token. I tend to favor semi automatic Jakobs guns, so its not a huge benefit for me. I’d rather make sure each shot hits its target and do the damage. More ammo efficient that way.

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I always try to go for Gun Damage, Max Health, or anything involving shields. However these come up for me rarely (Or at least the ones I prefer Cough Cough Gun Damage, Max Health, Shield Capacity). Anything that can make me live longer is something I prefer.

Anything else that’s there is pretty much a random pick for me, might as well roll a dice to make the choice.

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It probably would.

And yeah, I play on PC only.

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  1. Gun damage
  2. Health (I don’t believe in health gating and I can do some pretty fun stuff with +50%)
  3. Grenade Damage. Gotta have me some grenades
  4. Fire rate. Pew pew pewpew pewpewpewpewpewpew.
  5. Elemental Effect Chance. Pretty fun when it gets boosted by at least 20%
  6. Accuracy. Have to hit what you aim at.
  7. Recoil Reduction. It’s iffy. Personally, I find accuracy far superior but they go hand in hand. I don’t use a lot of Hyperion weapons.
  8. Shield capacity.
  9. Shield Recharge rate.
  10. Shield recharge delay. Feared this would hamper the FotF. Not really.
  11. Melee. It’s a FPS and Krieg already has enough melee buffs.
  12. Elemental Effect Damage. Useless, even with 20+%

I already made the list but I forgot to include reload speed, it should be 3. Critical hit damage varies too much but it’s probably like 6. Need to reload faster to make more friends for Face McShooty.

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hey, kenet_550111 do you know if this issue it’s also in the pre-sequel/or, at least, has been fixed (the: you only get max health as an option one)? I have been looking for a lot of time but found nothing about it, it would really help me to put my points correctly (avoiding this glitch ofc)
peace out

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This is still an issue in Borderlands 2. If you ignore putting points into a specific BAR category (example: melee dmg), eventually you will be forced to choose between max health and one other skill with very few points in it (example: melee dmg). I am not sure about Borderlands: TPS, since I don’t have that game.

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Trades: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/poisd2strikes-humble-shop/367700
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M


I’ve got it , but haven’t had that issue yet, have farmed BA enough since game came out to have around 40 -45% in a few and have left several at 0%


The general guideline is the difference should not be more than 6% between the stats. Eg. Lowest stat is 10%, the highest should be around 16%. The rest of the stats are between 10%-16%. You can have your favorite stats at 16%, like gun dam, crit, fire rate, etc. and less important ones at 6%.

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