Golden Chest: when to open it

So i just arrived at Sanctuary and there is a golden chest. This one an the others best wait level 50 or can i open it now? Thx

It’s totally personal preference. Whatever you get from it will be the level you are at currently. So the longer you wait the longer you’ll be able to use you loot. For instance…if you redeem a gold key at level 20, you’ll get level 20 items. I usually redeem a key here and there just for the chance to up my inventory but I save most of them for higher levels. I.e. 45-50. That’s just me though.

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I didn’t pop any of mine until level 50.

Whenever you feel your current guns aren’t cutting it and don’t want to go farming for anything in particular.
If you know you’re going to play every character before maxing, do it now.
Even if you plan on getting one character to level 50 first, here’s what will likely happen. When you start farming for legenadaries at lvl 50, you’ll also be getting a lot of cool purple loot too, almost by passively doing what you were already doing. And while a lot of purples may be awesome in the right hands, more often than not, the legendary does it better, which is what you’ll be farming for anyway.
TLDR: It’s a resource that exists to be used, use it early on.


So far there is never an optimal time imo. I hope gearbox sees this, because for whatever reason, out of the 10 or so golden keys ive used on my currently lvl 27 main player, literally 6 or 7 chests have been nothing but full of just shields or hero mods that a majority of the time are worse then the ones i currently have. Complete disappointment and underwhelming when such a scarce things like golden keys as of now is wasted when someone is expecting at least a half decent or cool gun.


Just play mayhem 3 when you unlock it and literally every badass will drop a legendary. Did 1 quest lv 50 Tvhm mayhem 3 and got 12 oranges from it. It’s like worse than diablo 3 levels of generosity with good loot. 2 hours and already fully decked out and blow through the game. No point in playing much when you own it all after another 5 hours.

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They sure nerfed that , lol

It’s now the complete opposite !!!

I can second this.