Two Bothersome Bugs on FL4K

The first is that the skill ‘Psycho Head on a Stick’ flat out just does not work. I’ve killed and killed and killed enemies from weak to equal level this skill just does not proc.

The second is an issue with Gamma Burst. The action skill works as intended, until you use it on a downed pet. It will revive the pet and do its 60s cooldown as it should. The problem is if you use Gamma Burst again after using it on a downed pet; it cause the cooldown to increase to 90s if you use it on a living pet. It also causes the skill ‘Eager to Impress’ to completely stop interacting with the Action Skill like it should.

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Finally someone else that is having the same issue with Psycho head on a stick. It worked once or twice for me then never again

I think I have the same issue. His action skill, Gamma Burst, cooldown is definitely longer than 30 sec. haven’t really count but it seems like minutes long. Is it a glitch or something?

It seems to stack the 60s cooldown for reviving your pet with it every time you do it.
So do it once the cooldown for a living pet becomes 90s, do it twice the cooldown on a living pet becomes 120s, etc., etc.

I just counted. My skill cooldown is like 6 mins now LOL that’s ridiculous!! Sad I noticed it’s an issue this late lol

Anyone else having problems with psycho head on a stick?

Another bug (PS4):
It is possible that your action skill cooldown “properties” of one skill get transferred to another action skill when you switch. This made Rakk Attack a one-charge-45-seconds-cooldown skill, which obviously defeats the purpose of the action skill. Save quitting works and it seems to happen when you respec.

Having issues with this passive and Frenzy as well!

Same, played today/xbox/ skill cooldown went up to over 3+ minutes. It literally keeps stacking up until you close and re-enter the game. Also frenzy doesn’t stack with dot damage your pet deals, either this is intended or a bug, if it is intended it should get classified

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VBasically the game is very buggy, founds a good few skills that dont work or only work after restarting game

Most games get seriously called out for things ive found in the game, not just nere and there lots of little bugs,

I had a shield that gave me an extra rakk attack, worked a few times then stops giving the extra attack until yiu restart game.

Cistern of slaughter door is supposed to be open but is is t for me(i maybe wrong here but I cant find anything online saying it gated by progression or anything)