For a while the sounds were all great… But since about level 20, I must have ran into a bug or something because certain things are either sounding wrong or just not there at all. Echo logs aren’t playing at all, when i talk to NPC’s i have to look away from them because looking directly at them mutes them. It even ruined one of the boss fights for me, (No Spoilers) only one of the characters was talking normally, and everyone else sounded like they were far away and echoing. Its honestly ruining the game for me at this point. I’ve already re-logged and it stayed the same, messed with most of the sound settings and nothing helped. Has anyone else experienced this that knows a fix?
Ah I just found a technical support post, which is where I should’ve been looking in the first place, I know lol. If anyone else is having these issues on PC, at least for windows 10, right click the volume control, go to spatial sound and click “Windows Sonic For Headphones”.
I’m on ps4 an the end fight for atlas at last glitched out. Rhys dialog is silent. I tried enabling subtitle but they didn’t show either. So leading just up to that fight many dialog sounds and music went silent.
Granted I’ve been playing 12 hrs straight.
Yeah it happened to me even farther into the story, everything sounded great until then. But i’m playing on PC so I wouldn’t know how to fix anything on PS4. But try looking in your settings for anything regarding Spatial Sound. Hopefully theres a fix for you. If i were you id check the posts in the PS4 technical support section, and if there isnt anything regarding sound issues, make a new post and hopefully someone can help ya.
But what if I encounter this issue without speakers and not headphones.
Assuming you meant with* speakers and not headphones, this still works. Im using speakers and not headphones, and even though it says headphones in the setting, it still worked to correct the audio coming out of my speakers.
Yes cool thx, ill try it out
Big thanks to you bigt0010!! Enabling Windows Sonic for headphones worked for me. I was also experiencing the exact same issues. So cheers, and hope you get some good loot!
Same to you! Just remember, the credit really goes to the dude in the technical support thread that mentioned it. Im just relaying it to this section to help some people like me who didn’t check everywhere ha. Glad its helping people!
Lots of PS4 players have been having this issue. No fix I have seen.
Same issue for me on xbox. I switched from Dolby to windows sonic and no fix. :[
Thanks man, I couldn’t fix it for my whole first playthrough, but i got it fixed for TVHM. Appreciate the thread!
<3 Sideways ice cream for you
That one dialogue from Rhys doesn’t work for me either. And as if that wasn’t annoying enough, the subtitles for that particular line don’t work either. On PS4 btw. Fortunately it seems to be just a bad joke, but it’s still a bummer.