Guerillas Leave No Trace

I have to talk about how wild the interaction between Guerillas in the Mist and Leave No Trace is with jakobs weapons.
I’ve been blasting a 5 round jakobs masher that should empty in under a second for the entire 8 seconds of Guerillas in the mist in to bosses and the bulkier of badasses. My screen becomes a nonsense of neon purple bullet traces and red critical pop ups. Automatic critical hits have a clear synergy with Leave No Trace but the multi-pellets and ricochet properties seem to turn this up to 11.
Unfortunately while the cooldown from Head Count doesn’t persist once the skill ends I’ve been able to completely refill the action skill timer in that time. That’s at least 23 procs of the skill at a 30% activation chance in 8 seconds or less.

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i have a fl4k mod that increases my leave no trace to 60% its nuts… especially on shotguns because each individual pellet has a 20% chance to crit and then each of those crits has a 60% chance to reload the gun… FL4K is insane

Fl4k’s crit builds are like what would happen if Zer0 and Nisha made sweet, sweet love on a big pile of spent shell casings.

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Mine has leave no trace at 72%

I haven’t found any higher. Its works pretty well.