Can't take drop pod to Prometheus

I spoke with Ellie on Sanctuary and she spawned the drop pod to go to Prometheus, but I decided to head back to Pandora to do a mission I had in my quest log. When I came back to the ship to head to Prometheus I can no interact with the drop pod. It spawns when I enter the area but I can’t talk to Ellie to prompt it or interact with it at all. My mission waypoint is showing on the planet and I have no means of getting to it. Has anyone else come across this issue? If so, are there any solutions you have discovered?

To leave Sanctuary in Borderlands 3 and go down to a planet, open up your map screen. Then, go to the Orbit View. From this menu, select the planet you want to go visit. Then, in the next screen, select your desired zone. Lastly, you have to pick which fast travel station you want to use to teleport to the surface. After a loading screen, you’ll be on the planet, free to go where you please.


I had a similar issues where i fast traveled to sanctuary and could use drop pod or fast travel anywhere else. I found that if you use the global travel thing in the head of the ship, go to pandora and go back to promethius it fixes the issue. At least it did for me. Made drop pod become available again at least. Me and my friends have discovered quiet a few bugs and glitches so far. Some hilarious and some very annoying. This would be an annoying one. Hope that helps.

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Going back to Pandora did not fix it for me. I went back to Pandora and Prometheus is still not on the list of fast travel places. Went back to Sanctuary and the drop pod spawns but you cannot interact with it. I went back to Pandora twice. I still cannot figure it out.

So going to the ship navigation and navigating to pandora then back to Promethea caused it to reset itself for me

Not going to lie but, borderlands 3 is filled with SO MANY bugs. I mean it’s kinda disappointing like the inventory thing on xbox where the pictures dont show the ones every now and then. Like because of that I accidentally sold a really really good shield. And when am I getting my golden keys it’s been like 6 fudging hours!?!