I tried playing BL3 for a few hours today. Immediately after being given control of my character I began experiencing a lot of eye strain. I’m on PS4 so there is a limit to what I can mess with. I tried adjusting FOV, head bob, and aim sensitivity. Nothing seemed to help.
In 27 years of playing games I have never once experienced an issue like this. I stopped playing and switched to another game and was totally fine. Anyone else experiencing this? Any suggestions? As of now the game is borderline unplayable for me. Thanks!
(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
In addition to FoV, distance from screen can have an affect. If like me, for example, you find yourself constantly leaning in, you may want to move closer. The other thing you could try adjusting is the brightness and contrast settings either on your screen or in-game. Hope you manage to sort something out that works for you.
The view and aiming movement just feel wonky. Split screen is really bad, I could only play for an hour because of a massive headache from the strain and motion
I’m so disappointed. Everything is so small. I even need reading glasses in order to read the small font in the menu screen. Why cant the zoom view be same like BL2. I had to get so close to the TV screen to play and it gave me a headache. I mostly play in split screen since this game is a bonding time activity with my wife. We are both fans.
I’ve played about 12 hours now and am finally getting used to the LOTS LOTS wider field of play… it does bug me how small the opponents are and how teeny tiny the font is in most things. Feels like gameplay is much faster, and I’m enjoying it, but I miss the level of detail we used to get.
I’m also experiencing a lot of eye strain to the point where i thought i was coming down with something. The entire game just feels really unoptimised and just… off?
Exactly. I can’t pin down anything exactly, the whole thing just feels off. I’m going to try again this morning and if my eyes start bother me again…I guess I’m done with the game. This is all very upsetting.
Update: I tried again, made it 30 minutes, and have a headache. I played games for hours, without glasses (when I needed them) and wasn’t this bothered. Game has been uninstalled. I’m so disappointed I can’t find a way to make this playable. I love the franchise…
every borderlands game has caused migraines for me, and it is only the borderlands games. not sure why. doesnt matter what kind of screen or which platform, i have to take regular breaks every hour or so. sorry, i dont have anything to help you, but youre not alone in this.
(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
I think it’s something to do with the amount of visual information you can have flying across the screen at times. I also find I need to take a break after an hour or two if there’s been a lot of intense mobbing with visual FX all over. Skyrim and FO4 are such a change of pace that I can play them for 3-4x as long (basically until I start falling asleep at the controls!)
I’m having same problem, like real bad. I’ve tried adjusting settings, the lighting in the room and taken breaks but it comes back to unbearable eye strain very quickly.
Don’t know what to do. I’ve been so excited for this game. Spent the hundred bucks for extra dlcs and now I don’t know if I can play!
At this point, from talking with other people and looking around at threads some other places, I’m thinking all of this is a product of how poorly the game runs in general. There’s so much motion blur its like when I tried to play Crysis 2 and my PC was way underpowered. It was impossible to see anything well while turning because of the blur and the aim felt awful because of the input lag…so exactly how playing BL3 feels now…
Now with that being said, that still didn’t give me eye strain, so whether there’s another issue with Borderlands 3 or if it’s simply a product of me getting older, I don’t know.
I’m having the same issue. I don’t suffer from motion sickness in general, I have played tons of FPS, but I had it severely with Borderlands 2. I ended up selling BL2 as it was just unplayable for me, but I decided to give BL3 a try since friends were all getting it hoping they ironed out the issue. Again, with BL3 I can’t play for more than 20 minutes before a massive headache and eye fatigue sets in.
I don’t know what it is about the Borderlands games, but something is just off. There’s quite a few pages of stuff on Google of people talking about motion sickness in Borderlands. I don’t know what’s going on but it’s a shame. I’m out $60, Gamestop will only give $29 credit on an opened game, and will not refund for motion sickness.
Same here. I get blurry doubled vision whenever looking elsewhere. Going outside temporarily helps. Seems to be some form of computer vision syndrome. I think that VR level with Vaughn where the screen is all blue and excessive exposure to blue LED might have caused it.