Gunner Master List: Build Collection

Following the path of Mirrorada and Gulfwulf from BL2

If you’d like to have your build added, please list the following when sharing your build:

Type: (DPS, Tank, Survival/Support, Melee, etc.)
Name and Link:
Level of Build: 50 (can be updated later)
Specific Gear Needed: Yes or No

All builds are properties of the original creator.

Builds are broken down by their primary function; however, this does not mean that a build under the “Pure Damage” tag is ONLY a DPS build. The tags are set up to organize builds based on what their biggest strength is. This should make it easier for people to find a build archetype that they want to play with.


Type: DPS
Name and Link: Bang! You’re Dead!
Level of Build: 50
Specific Gear Needed: No

Type: DPS
Name and Link: B.T.O.O.M
Level of Build: 50
Specific Gear Needed: No

Type: DPS
Name and Link: Cutpurse Chucking Build / (Video Link)
Level of Build: 50
Specific Gear Needed: Yes

Type: DPS
Name and Link: The Human Torch
Level of Build: 50/Mayhem 3
Specific Gear Needed: Yes



Type: DPS / Shield Tank / Sustain
Name and Link: Nuclear Bloodletter
Level of Build: 50
Specific Gear Needed: Yes

Type: DPS / Shield Tank / Sustain
Name and Link: Jill Of All Trades
Level of Build: 50
Specific Gear Needed: Yes


Get Your Build Added!

You MUST have a thread or Google Document dedicated to your build.

  1. A link to YOUR dedicated thread or write up on your build.
  2. Your Build’s Name. If you haven’t come up with a name yet, it’s O.K. This is optional.
  3. What type of build is this?
  • Is it pure DPS?
  • Is it a boss farming build or one for a specific boss fight?
  • Take a look at the different categories and pick which one best describes your build.
  • What level is it for? Boss farming? Leveling?
  • If you’ve made it to this step, CONGRATULATIONS! No really, Thank you for reading this far.

Tips and Tricks for an AWESOME build write up:

Here are a few key things to have on your dedicated page, thread or document for your build.

  • Have either a screen shot or a link to a skill calculator with the build set up.
  • Describe what the build is intended for.
  • If your build requires or is dependent on a certain gear set up, list needed gear items, and if you can how to acquire said items.
  • Be descriptive. The more information you provide about your build, the better. Describe why you’ve chosen the skills you have, why the gear or weapons you have listed are a ‘Must Have’, even videos of the build in action. Anything helps people make a better informed decision on your build and if it’s something they might like to try.

Other Class Build Lists:
Amara Master Build List
FL4K Master Build List
Zane Master Build List


Build Thread has been a ghost town, figured I’d kick things off

Type: DPS / Shield Tank
Name and link: Nuclear Bloodletter
Level of build: 50
Specific Gear Needed: Yes

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Perfect example of a build post. Awesome! I added it in. I’ll check the formatting next time I can get on my PC but it’s in there right now.

Edit: Alright, got it! Thanks again for sharing.

Bringing this thread back from the dead with Joltz’ Facechucker build.
Type: Pure Damage (with some survivability)
Link: Cutpurse Chucking Build / (Video Link)
Level: 50
Specific Gear Needed: Yes

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Thanks for sharing it! I got it added.

Edit: Also, thanks for sharing that site. I haven’t seen it before but I’m going to see if I can get permission from people there to share some builds from here.

I just posted my hybrid build for Moze.

Type: DPS / Shield Tank / Sustain
Name and Link: Siberian Nuclear Winter
Level of Build: 50
Specific Gear Needed: Yes

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Gotcha! Extra thanks for the formatting being done already. :slight_smile:

Type: DPS - Run and Gun.
Name and Link: Terminator Moze
Level of Build: 50
Specific Gear Needed: Yes. Requires 2 terror anointment’s. Most any weapons work very well in the build. Marksman com(purple).

Type: Iron Bear (maximizing Iron Bear’s damage and armor)
Link: Kodiak Bear
Level: 50, TVHM Mayhem Mode
Specific Gear Needed: Yes

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Type: DPS
Name and Link: Skill-Based Incendiary Critical Moze
Level of Build: 50, TVHM Mayhem 4
Specific Gear Needed: Yes, typical Bloodletter/Deathless/Transformer build.