DPS Class ? Amara FL4K or Zane?

Hey guys,

tomorrow is the day we all have been waiting for !

I am considering playing Amara or FL4K. Havent seen much of the contet, but from what i heard, Amara is the meele class in this game. Do you have to play here meele in order to do the most damage possible? I always liked playing Sirens in BL1 and 2. If she has to be played Meele in order to keep up with the DMG than i would play FL4K for his CRIT Built.

With moze there is no question, i simply hate mech.

Greetings from Austria.

Moze actually deals more dps out of mech, considering her talent trees. Amara’s late game build (as in , mayhem mode late game) is probably not melee.

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Hard to tell. Keep in mind that the cooldown on fl4k’s fade away is fairly long. Yeah it’s a pretty bonkers burst of power, but that’s just it, it’s a burst. There’s great passives for crits nevertheless of course.

Amara’s melee build gets a lot of the spotlight, but we don’t know if it’s the one for a max dps build. From what I’ve heard, it kinda slows down if you’re not doing killing blows with the dash-punch. The other two skill trees have plenty of damage in them too.

Zane can also stack some pretty bonkers gun buffs, and has strong perks for grenades. I doubt you can go wrong with him either.

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Well since i hate mechs, Maze is out of the game for me xD. but thanks for the tipp with amaras Late Game potential !

Ahh ok! Didnt know that FL4Ks Skill has a long CD. From what I read I know that he can shoot multiple times while in Stealth and every shot is a crit even when you shoot the legs for instance. (if specs are right)

Fl4k and Moze seem to have more gun-focused dps specs which, from previous games, tend to be the better specs for end-game content.

If dps is what you’re placing the most weight on, I’d go FL4k.

Even out of Fade Away, Fl4k has talents giving him upwards of 200% gun damage (from pure damage and gun damage skills). He does rely on crits for sure

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Hey domii.

I’d say look more at the play style and how you want to play (or have played B1 or B2 or TPS).

If you tend to face tank, Amara will be very tanky and powerful as the melee is strong. Along with the Control of using Phasegrasp with Singularity for example, she may have better crowd control? But she is also the main Elemental buff dealer too.

Zane looks like a 1 life class with all round good skills, whilst Fl4k will have some very high crit shot builds. I too don’t like the Iron Bear option with Moze, but she does have some damn fine damage output.

Not sure if anyone has done a full Skill Tree buff comparison anywhere??

LazyData has some good vdiz on his channel showing the level 30 tree builds. Might be worth flicking through them to get some last minute consideration. It’s in the proving grounds, so no spoilers. I watched them a few times to get a better overview of the classes.

I actually hate the way they advertised Amara as a “just a melee character.” That is completely incorrect. You can 100% play her melee but she will be a an absolute powerhouse when it comes to element damage and resistence shredding in mayhem mode. And if Dots are like B1 and not B2… it’s a wrap. I think her only weakness is her action skills are lackluster.