I used to run with a rustler’s COM in one of my builds (Proof) , and believe me, it’s not as good as it may sound…
The bonus are all over the place and don’t complement each other very well. You get bonus to 2 skills that only work from the hip, an accuracy bonus for one of the most accurate gun type in the game, and a damage bonus to Sniper rifles… but who uses a sniper rifle from the hip ?
Compared to, for example, the Sheriff COM (IMO, the best non-legendary all-around COM for Nisha) you get about the same damage bonus to your sniper rifle…but you also get it for your AR…and your pistol… and any other gun you might want
You would lose the damage bonus from Quick shot (as the fire rate bonus is lost on Jakobs guns anyway), but gain a good serving of crit bonus from BFG, health regen, extra health and extra shield…
in the case of your AR, it’s a net gain on nearly all aspects, and in the case of your sniper, it’s a push.
Now, i’m not saying you should move to the Sheriff COM: I only use it as a point of comparison to illustrate why I think the Rustler COM is not so great.
I could see how to make it useful, but that would require a playstyle that revolves around hip-firing sniper rifles…I tried, it’s lackluster.
Good choices for a Jakobs-focused build are the six-shooter (obviously), Sheriff and Crapshooter. Six-shooter might not be that good since you don’t spec into 2 of the 3 skills it boosts, but it’s still better than Rustler’s IMO.
Crapshooter, same deal: you don’t have points into 2 of the 3 skills involved, but a single point into trick shot would turn this build around
Best pick for what seems to be your playstyle would be Sheriff IMO. It does everything right, boosts your damage in an uncomplicated way and shores up your survivability like no other COM around.
As for the build advice, I would say first, get rid of Unchained…it does NOTHING for you, even if your COM boosts it.
I would never be caught dead without at least a few points in trick shot. Sometimes when you’re in FFYL and no enemies can be reached because they’re behind cover, it feels great to be able to just unload on the ceiling to get a second wind.
FFOB is great, even if it doesn’t look like it., it’s always worth a point to me, unless it plays badly with Mag6 for your weapon… but that’s not the case here.
If you want to put your points outside RW, I would take Saddle up. Ruthless is wasted on you since you don’t use showdown much.
Bottled courage might be a great choice to spend the last points you have.
L&O has nothing further to offer you at this point IMO, inless you really spend those points to get to Rarin’ to go… but with a level 50 cap, you don,t have points to “waste” to reach it.
Personally, this is what I would do with my skill points: http://thepresequel.com/Nisha/4101410100005005000000005501014351/grisheriff,auto