Easiest character to start with?

My 7 year old wants to play coop with me. He has seen a lot of me playing BL2 but hasn’t really played a lot himself, just learning the basics, controller control etc.

But he wants to play BL3, he says its looks so exciting.

So which character do you think, will be the easiest to start with? I don’t care for it being the strongest or best end game character, just something easy for him to ease in to?

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Are you sure you should even be letting your 7yo play… this game is rated mature 17+. But as for easiest I would say FL4K from what ive seen so far, plus you can also teach him early about non-binary while making it fun.


LOL, yep, that’s what his mum says. He will be “managed” playing it, my idea was to let get through the first 10 levels or so together.

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Go for blue tree FL4K, having a buffed pet will make things much easier I think.


Pfft. Ratings are just things made up by people that think they know better than others. So long as parents make sure content isn’t misunderstood or creates behavior problems they can pretty much be ignored. There are small children out there with the mental facilities of an average adult. Just like there are adults out there that never mentally matured after reaching age 5. Sadly the former appears to be shrinking while the latter keeps growing.


I totally agree, but I will only allow coop play with me.

The interesting thing about BL that he loves is the tactics you need to consider, skill tree builds and approaching enemies - he actually loves the challenges it presents. So I don’t mind it from that point of view.

And as we live in Singapore, no need to worry about unsupervised, real life guns - we have none in Singapore.

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if he is still learning, id go with FL4K tbh. hes got the pet and early health regen. not to mention the skill of having the pet be able to revive you if you go down will benefit in the long run. so in a sense, he would be support.


IMO the gunplay wouldn’t be too much of a concern. The usage of firearms is pretty self explanatory and seen in all kinds of media outlets. The concerns I would likely focus on are possible alcohol/tobacco usage and that they understand the innuendo and why it’s not appropriate in certain environments like school.

To be fair I grew up with an unfiltered childhood. The only problems I really caused when little was telling stories to other kids that gave them nightmares and using terns and phrases in school that resulted in classmates asking questions the teacher didn’t want to answer. Everything else happened much later around highschool where I did quite a few things just to spite my father who was fond of frequently saying anything I think about doing he’s already done… Yup I proved him wrong… ALOT lol.


Two things:

  1. Amara is probably best out of the gate. Personal Space, Clarity, Helping Hand(s). Early gun damage and survivability. Very straightforward. When I start Amara (she’ll likely be my second), I’ll start with those before moving into the tree I intend to fill out, because they’re so foundational.

  2. My youngest daughter had an OP8 Gaige by the time she was 10, from playing couch co-op with me. She heard worse language from kids at school. Playing BL2 with me allowed me to slip in a LOT of parenting lessons during interaction. Among other things, she has learned that failure -> learning opportunity. This has carried over into her life at school and in performance company for dance. Our relationship is outstanding. She’s 14 now, and I have none of the stereotypical teenage drama people speak of. Our communication is open and easy, even when she’s dealing with uncomfortable things in life. Needless to say, she’s fired up for Friday.


Just let him pick whichever character he wants. They’re all close enough to each other that I wouldn’t expect any of them to hamper his experience.


Fl4k & Amara
early hp regen & survivability


Point 2 - absolutely true. We talk a lot about basic things in life. Thinking about things before rushing in, looking at the big picture, preparing, calmness before madness…all these things are in your face with BL franchise.
Again, living in Singapore has some advantages. The law really works here, so i don’t have to worry too much about a culture of guns (none), drugs (very little) and alcohol (heavily controlled) among his peers. Plenty of other of the usual peer pressure stuff of course but there is a clear line between fun and reality.
Anyway, BL3 is almost here, can’t wait.


as long as there is some parental guidance i think it is okay.

choose whatever he wants. no one knows right now which is which.


Also, real badasses eat chocolate chip cookies

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