Oasis map thread down

Hey, I have been playing BL1 since release. after installing the Oasis map pack, I wanted to liven up the game with custom maps for Oasis. The only problem is that the map thread for Oasis custom maps is gone. Can anyone tell me why please?

Do you mean this one from the old forums? Or was there a newer one?

The reason why they are gone is because Gearbox wiped the old forums and their content. If you want custom maps I’d suggest looking around these forums instead. Dopefiend and gitface191 already posted new forum topics containing new download links. Same goes for me, I’ve made a new thread on this forum containing my custom content: Mr GJ’s stuff

No, they didn’t wipe them. If you have any bookmarks to old forum threads/posts, just change the word “forums” at the beginning of the link to “oldforums” and BING BANG ROCKET SCIENCE you’re back in.

I haven’t checked recently but, up until a while ago at least, you could even still log in.

Oh, my bad. You’re right. ':slight_smile:

The best link to Oasis maps and slots is here:

The real problem is that not all of the links to the maps work. Even when you can get them they are not the latest version - eg Slot 10 Skag Mountain - from the thread it sounds a lot more developed than the actual map in the download at the beginning of the thread.

It would be great if the guys who developed those maps - eg East Boondocks could make sure their links are updated - we’re still playing guys and want your maps!! :sunglasses:

They’d have to (a) be active on the new forums and (b) port their threads over - AFAIK you can’t post anymore, and may not be able to edit either. I checked a while back (but after the official cut-over) and I could still log in, but that was about it.

well they could just point to their old threads - the main thing is just to post up-to-date links to the maps

I’ll maybe start a new thread - you never know it might work…

Yeah, you can still log in because you have to log in to search.

Unfortunately most (it seems) of the download links are dead. Some of the creators are on the new forums but it seems most are not. If you see a map you want to download, it can’t hurt to tag them or send them a private message.

Does anyone still have the files for the DLC fast travel mod?

edit: The old download links for most of the mods actually do work by pasting only the end of the link into the address bar. For example, the DLC fast travel mod’s download URL is: http://oldforums.gearboxsoftware.com/oldforums/20150308204232/http://s6fulldlcfasttravels.googlecode.com/files/FullDLCFastTravelHUB.rar
which doesn’t work. If you remove the first part of the URL, leaving just:
it will automatically download the files. Hopefully this works for most of the downloads.

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If I could like this 1000 times, I would. Thanks!

can’t believe it, but it seems they’ve now taken down the oldforums altogether just in the last few days - i hope it’s not because we were talking about them and they want everyone to focus on their nice shiny new games.

we might be able to get the maps but the comments in the forums were really useful so we know how far you could get in the game.

so I’ve just been playing the Eridian DLC by ratrace and i got as far as a lift in a Lance tower but i can’t actually step onto the lift which means i can’t get to the upper level

these guys did so much work putting this stuff together but it’s a shame it’s all so hard to find now… :frowning:

No, they weren’t closed because they were being talked about here! It’s been on the schedule for months.

ok! :smile:

still it’s a shame - now it’ll be even harder to find this stuff.

i’ll check out my history as i’ve been looking them up lately

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It was announced right at the start of the transition that the old forums would eventually be converted into static pages. Unfortunately, it seems that the process had some unintended side-effects. Last I saw in the feedback thread @Jeffybug or one of the others had said they were looking into a URL fix.

All the Custom maps i can find, including Oasis, are here: Borderlands 1 Custom Map Links HERE!