Have come close to spending a good month deciding on who I should start with/main for BL3, after a long decision I decided Fl4k as their play style appeals to me greatly just like Zer0 did from BL2 with Decepti0n but with the addition of 3 amazing pets and yet more skills. What’s not to love!? But after this hard decision, I’ve been tasked with naming mr. Chew, after a while of deciding I thought Mr. Skagles, how couldn’t I! But then I was faced with yet another problem, how do I name Fl4k? My mind goes blank, but I can think of loads of names for the VH’s from BL2 such as Zer0, Maya or Salvador, anyone have any ideas for a name for Fl4k? As my minds blank after all of this😂 Any ideas are greatly appreciated, thank you😊
fr13ndly f1r3
I will name FL4K just “FL4K” and also stick to the default appeareance. Thats how I did it for all previous games … so Roland was “Roland”, Lilith was “Lilith”, Brick was “Brick”, Maya was “Maya”, Salvador was “Salvador” and Commander John Shepard was “Commander John Shepard” … oh sorry wrong game
By doing this you feel more connected when the characters re-appear in the newer games under their original name.
Not sure yet, how to name my pet. First I need to decide which pet I want to use. At the moment I think I will go for the Jabber and name him “Mr. Teeny”: https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Mr._Teeny
I don’t know about anyone else but I will be naming fl4k as L3G10N
W3 Ar3 L3G10N. No, that’s not right. I’ll stick 2 FL4K.
I’m currently waffling between Pe4ce and H1M.
The skag gotta be Dogmeat.
The spiderant will be Spiderpig and the Jabber will be named Jabroni.
I’m thinking of going with Dar, and naming my pets Podo, Kodo, and Ruh.
(from the 1982 movie Beastmaster, for those unfamiliar)
All of you, great ideas thanks so much for the help, I’ve got some great ideas just from these comments alone much appreciated, love you all! Less than 6 hours, WHOS READY!! #CANTWAIT😂
Remember The Cult of the Flakker?
Well, since Fl4k is such a charmer, Cult of Personality.
I went with Dr. Sk4genstein lol
I named fl4k “NON” in binary code. Too long and had to settle for “NO”
I named Fl4k 4PE
I kept Fl4k as just that, but I named my pets:
SKAG - Jimmy Skagile (almost died when Fl4k called him a good predator!!!)
JABBER - Wocky (Monty python’s JabberWocky)
SPIDERANT - Webster (Just because…)
went with the clap trap thing, so my Fl4k is Fl4k Tr4k
I use names more as class designations. My Amara is Dr4g0n, Moze is 4rs0nist. Zane is Gh0st. And Fl4k is M4ster of t3rr0r.
Skag: Cuddles.
Spiderpants: princess
Jabber: Trouble
Why not fl4k3n5t31n