Hey, I want to share some thoughts about the implementation of easy & normal mode
and what that potentially means from a gameplay point of view.
If easy mode just lowers enemy health and/or offers a damage reduction without any
downsides when it comes to gear rarity/quantity, exp gain… why would I pick normal mode?
I know some of you say “I want the challenge” and that’s a totally valid point.
But in terms of gameplay design, an easy mode could translate to a buff to your character/debuff on your enemies by the flick of a switch… quite literally. And I dont see a reason why I’d not pick it up?
If the above is actually the mechanic of easy mode, I’d be happier without having this option.
It’s not that easy to explain, but maybe you can share this feeling?
Sure this is pure speculation & maybe “easy mode” is only a viable option until TVHM.
Just curious about someone elses opinion on this.
alright, thanks for your input
So what would you say if easy mode didn’t affect exp/droprates at all?
(Wh-?! A mask?! This is tooootally my face! I... uh... )
It’s a choice for each individual. Bottom line. If you’d choose easy mode, that’s great for you. I would never choose easy mode, because I prefer challenge. Your choice doesn’t change my experience. Mine doesn’t change yours. I have no problem with it.
I am pretty sure that TVH mode is not changeable in terms of difficulty. The easy mode is probably only for the first playtrough.
Mayhem mode in easy is a contradiction. That is my basis.
Yea that makes sense… and having the option to make the game easier makes it more accessible I guess, which is cool. Dunno exactly why I’m having mixed feelings about it.
Maybe if I put it like this: I like to earn more “power” by progressing throu the game, by completing quests, farming gear, making good choices on skills & playstyle. I wouldn’t like it to be able to just get a buff by flicking a switch. I’d feel like I didn’t earn it. Does that make sense? Now one could argue “well then don’t use it”. But that contradicts the way I like to approach games. I like to min max a little here & there and have a strong & fun build, not taking a “free buff” so to speak, isn’t an option. Maybe I’m overthinking this
I think easy/normal mode is just to cater to people who want to casually play and move on after that. Nothing wrong with that tbh and I doubt TVHM will have an easy mode and in the end, only the endgame really matters in that regard imo.
Speaking of end game, mayhem mode increases the difficulty. I will be VERY surprised if you could go easy mode + mayhem at the same time as it kinda defeats the purpose. Based on games like Diablo 3, the difficulty settings will be the “real” game.
And iirc, the dev’s said that they want players to be able to play how they want to. If someone wants to storm through the game without any challenge, he can do so. Maybe I will use easy mode as well when I just want to get a new character to max level fast in a new playthrough? Idk, but it’s possible.
Seems okay anyway, but I am kinda curious for detailed information regarding the whole topic as well.
To piggyback off what you mentioned, and coming from the Diablo experience, playing on easy might just be the basic modifiers like exp, cash etc with some mobs being weaker. Playing on normal could up the stakes as well as your rewards for playing on that level.
With the way they have it set up with instanced loot for multi-player, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem if one plays on easy while the other plays on normal. Unless those two modes can’t interact. Kinda doubt it tho since gearbox being very good about this.
I always go easy mode when it’s available in a game, assuming there are no significant drawbacks, such as being unable to unlock a secret ending on easy or something like that. This recent trend of Souls-like games has been the bane of my existence, I really wanted to like Sekiro and Code Vein but they are just too hard. I personally hope that the easy mode isn’t actually a full blown mode like Normal and True Vault Hunter Mode, but rather a difficulty slider that makes both normal mode and TVHM easier with no penalties. Let those who want to challenge themselves do so, but don’t force everybody to challenge themselves.
I don’t think easy mode matters at all. As someone mentioned, it’s a choice and you’re not being forced into either option. For me, I will ignore it and play normal, tvhm, etc. How the next person plays is entirely up to them.
It would eat my mind if I knew, I would not allow enemies to have their maximum potential. I would not feel good about myself if I knew, I was making the game easier than it should be.
Never would I choose easier. And I truly hope, playing on easy does come with a slight drawback. Which I am certain it will, even if not officially displayed. I also agree to what was said earlier: I wish this choice would not even exist. If easy mode only exists in the basic playthrough and not True Vault Hunter Mode, then I will not have an issue with it though.
I’m all for “Easy Modes”. No one forces me to use them. They don’t belittle my experience at harder levels. They help introduce newcomers to Borderlands and/or FPSs and they may get hooked and go on to play at tougher levels.
My most played franchise, before BL stole my life away , was Painkiller. Painkiller was considered a prety hardcore FPS. Yet it had an Easy option. The head of the development studio was asked why Easy was included. Painkiller was considered quite a “pretty” game in its day. He said it was for those who just wanted to look at the scenery.
I know some here have played Shadow Warrior 2. That has seven “Insanity” (a bit like Mayhem) levels after Very Hard. Yet it also has an Easy option. The description on the character selection screen is “… for people who don’t feel like they need to prove anything to themselves or anyone else. Playing SW2 on Easy is perfectly fine, if by the end of an exhausting day all you need is to feel like a goddamn superhero!”
Why would you want to exclude a potential customer? It seems like a good move, on Gearbox’s part, to me.
Exactly. There should be no issue with GBX adding in a Easy mode. I’m sure fans of the franchise will just play it like they normally do anyway so anyone deciding to play on easy won’t change that experience.
Gearbox said difficulty effects loot, the harder your game the better the gear. This directly confirms that easy mode will have a decrease. It will work like Diablo 3 I think. Normal mode might be 100% loot easy at 75% then TVHM 150% then you’ve got mayhem mode. Ofc those numbers won’t be right but you get the point.
You can see the menu option for both difficulties in this video. Easy/Normal appears to be a difficulty slider, as it says that difficulty is specific to your character and can be changed at any time in the menus. Nothing mentioned about lower XP rewards or loot chances on Easy.
Since it’s character specific and not an actual mode like Normal Vault Hunter Mode and True Vault Hunter Mode, and says it makes you harder to kill, I’m guessing it does something along the lines of giving you maybe 20-30% damage reduction to make the game easier for you and you alone in co-op, maybe increases the damage you deal as well. It also says something about not losing money when you respawn, so maybe free respawns?