Best NON-LAUNCHER against EOS, Last Phase, One Quarter Health?

Eos’s last phase…where he is with no shield and at 1/4 Health…
Where he starts throwing the kitchen sink at you: Rockets, Photons, Eye of Helios, Golden Circles of Death…and increases the mobs of Swarmers and Leeches…

It’s really the only time I die anymore and I always try to finish the fight quickly with a corrosive Badaboom and Overcharge.

But Rocket Launcher “spamming” is not allowed in the time trials so I can’t do it my way if I want to enter a submission.

What is the best Non-Launcher weapon for Wilhelm in that last phase if you want to end it quickly???

Corrosive Splitter? What make and model??
Corrosive Bullpup??
Corrosive Pitchfork (if you can get Crits)?

Hyperion crowdsourcing or development

stay on jumpads, use wolf and saint for kill mobs

Maliwan Splitter if at all. Maybe Hyperion Railguns with the yellow glitch if you wanna stay with lasers.

Else what @VolnuttVH said.

I don’t think a crowdsourcing would outperform a corrosive Bullpup…I could be wrong though…

But a lot of folks don’t have access to the Bullpup…so it’s a good suggestion

Corrosive Shredder with a +10% Lunashine Crit bonus possibly
Or maybe the new Fusilade??

But ARs in this game are so damaged by the lack of a decnt Crit bonus…have never really understood that. It’s like they want to penalize them in BL2 since they were so good in BL1

What about a T4S-r??? I have a redundant and the increased mag version in Corrosive somewhere in a mule…both with a fast Fire Rate The Hyperion Gimmick would lock in on the eye and crits pretty fast I would think…

Corrosive Hail is great on Eclipse…worthless on EOS.

Corrosive Longest Yard Possibly…With Escalation and Targeting Scope specked…Bulwark and Eddie…That should pack a pretty good wallop on a crit

just finished EOS with wilhelm lvl70
got good results with jacobs rustler flyer shotgun, shield of ages(heatsinks),
shock scout sniper(for the eye)
eddy or clear sky OZ kit +48% damage / +52% fire rate after killing swarmer
tried longest yard but is too slow (0.8 fire rate)
i think shock is faster then corr (in the eye)
(with aurelia i always use shock sniper, works very good)
still looking for a faster way to kill him

My fastest kill with just splitters is around 6 min at lvl 70. I’d be really happy if I can go below 5.30min with wilhelm really. Will probably need some smart combination of glitch guns (Red glich on Dahl rail gun maybe? Or yellow glitch on Hyperion railgun?) to win some more seconds, but currently I don’t even know how to get below 6 mins.

What if you do the longest yard with the skills of escalation and targeting scope maxed. Also any fire rate buffs skills maxed

Bulwark and Eddie.

Throw overcharge, Killi a swarmer quick, and go at the criit spot. I’m thinkIng maybe 20 hits in before overcharge depletes.

I’ve done some testing on glitched railguns, and Maliwan and Hyperion ones had the best result, when you can actually trigger the yellow one. Both can take out Eclipse’s shield in one mag, which is pretty nice. Have you maybe tried a cryo bullpup/company man/thinking with the Ack ack for the last phase? That cryo-explosive combo worked fairly well for my Aurelia on EOS’ health once his shields are down.

Dahl railguns ? …just a thought.

That burst fire makes for pretty fast fire rate, and the penetrating beam… Is it known if Eos has overlapping hit boxes ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Other than game quirks to exploit what do we have to work with:

A fight we want over fast (so high DPS)
Where resources don’t really matter. (End boss)
A big target (so accuracy is less of an issue)

Sounds to me like the highest DPS we can have, the better, no matter the other drawbacks. This screams shotguns to me, especially Hyperion ones.

Corrosive bullpup ?
Glitched corrosive development with loop active ?

Good to have you involved Chuck, Thanks!

Corrosive Bullpup is good…but it isn’t the fastest in my tries so far…but certainly in the top 3.

I haven’t tested lasers yet…but the best I have found is a corrosive Pitchfork.

At that specific range, when he opens his eye…and the Pitchforks unique spread…

With your Crit bonuses maxed…

Good shooting will put all 5 rounds in his eye simultaneously and huge chunks of health drop off…

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The Pitchfork is exactly the kind of gun I was thinking of (yeah, I said Shotguns, but you get my point :stuck_out_tongue: …it acts like one) 5 pellets per shot, a 5 shot burst with the standard sniper crit bonus… it’s gotta be close to the top.

I wonder how the Viral marketer would do compared to a Bullpup… it’s supposed to not be as good, but ricocheting bullets may have an effect with that big a target… worth a try at least.
Or a Glitched thinking with the loop glitch active ?

The Invader maybe ?

Damn I miss the lyuda :stuck_out_tongue:

In any case, if you are able to consistently crit against him…can he be frozen ?
A couple trigger squeeze from a Fridgia before switching to the pitchfork could add 200% type A crit bonus.

Another thing to consider… do you spec into Venom bolt ? I wouldn’t usually, but with so many skill points available, and the goal being to speedrun a specific boss… it might be a good place to put 5 points.

Edit: How does a longbow mirv grenade behave on Eos ? is he big enough to take all the flakks ?

Farmed some longest yards in shock and corrosive…was not that hard surprisingly…

That’s the good news…

The bad news is that the Longest yard is virtually useless against Eos…

Even with a Crit and the huge Crit bonus…it was like spitting in the wind. The fire rate is just horrific.

Tried a redundant TS4-r in corrosive, not bad…but not good…
Corrosive Torrent…OK
Corrosive Fast Talker…better

Besides Maliwan Splitters these have been the best I have tested
Company Man

Will test a corrosive Invader tomorrow.

The key with the Pitchfork is to hit him with the eye open…Massive damage

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Tested 10 Longbow Bonus Packages…with an equipped Bomber Oz Kit

Threw them in quick succession against Eos’s health

Not very effective…

Picked up a Glitched Practicable Corrosive Crowdsourcing form an Ultimate Badass Leech while fighting Eos…with the fire rate as high as the Bullpup. VERY effective but MAN do you run out of shotgun ammo quick!

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I’d say for the last phase where his eye is permanently exposed, use a Dahl rail gun vs the shield till it’s down, then grab a kill skill for suppression fire, trigger emergency protocol by stripping your own shield with a tesla or storm front, activate the action skill for overcharge and empty your whole shotgun ammo pool with a triple or quad barrel hyperion shotgun.


I was more thinking of elemental mirvs though, corrosive ones to be precise.

The crowdsourcing is very good but the development is better (same gun but BL2 skin), it retains a much better accuracy and has higher fire rate, but it does less damage.

Exacty my thinking…A mixture of Pitchforks and shotguns seems to be the best…but ammo is a problem…

I’m thinking Clear Skies Oz Kit

Ack ack is a must

Ack Ack better than Clear Skies on Eos???

I will re-try that…

But so far…my best runs have used the Clear Skies that I switch to as soon as I kill Eclipse.

Oh BTW…safest method to take out Eclipse for a Wilhelm is to face tank him with shock and corrosive Hails. Go to Iron sites and If you can get the arc down so the shots are landing in a tight group on his head…you are doing excellent damage and will beat health gate even if he spams rockets.

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Nah, I was just suggesting something to try.

If you already had better results with clear skies, stick with that

John, have you tried a sham? I really haven’t tried one but I wonder if it would absorb golden circle or eye of helios attacks?