The Absolute Zero on Nisha Holodome Badass round

Wow! Just went through the Holodome Badass round again, but I’d just gotten the Absolute Zero and figured I would try it. I was surprised at how quickly it melted enemies and I never ran out of ammo; which is usually an issue for me in the Badass rounds. Any love for the Absolute Zero?

this was my build BTW.,lv70

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Its an absolute beast!! Im only using luck cannon and absolute zero and flayer. They are all you need…


Its amazing. it rips through anything and everything.


I love this thing! Can’t wait to find one for my Aurelia.


I’ve been campaigning for that weapon since it’s reveal… It’s just too damn good plus with a Chronicler of Elpis COM it just rips through those eridian gargantuan beasts


Faster than luck cannons? :stuck_out_tongue:

The norfleet isnt faster than luck cannons.

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Yes, the Gargantuans don’t stand a chance against this thing. It just melts their health away.

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Luck cannons are great, but situationally great. They are great against bosses and enemies that are far away, but they run out of ammo in the Holodome specifically and shooting multiple enemies in fast pace isn’t where they shine, IMO. Every Nisha needs a good Luck Cannon (I got three of them in 1 EOS fight the other day, including a Jakobs grip Two Fer that just destroys the raid boss) and I love the Flayer and Striker, but the Absolute Zero is so much fun to use after all the Jakobs violence.

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Never likes the two fer Prefix… I’m more a dastardly kind of guy… But yes when I just want to shattered pieces across the screen… Absolute Zero is where it’s at… The ONLY thing that would make this gun PERFECT if it had a 100% chance to freeze enemies (c’mon GB how do you name a gun “Absolute Zero” with an OK Freeze chance?)

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Dastardly is great too, I agree. I just haven’t been able to get one at Level 70 yet, but once I get one, i’ll probably use both.

Dear God, 100% freeze chance would make this my favourite weapon ever.

It’s like the Too Scoops in a beam with extra damage. I’d say try it with claptrap too

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I still have to get claptrap to level 70. He’s my least favorite character to play; even though he can be a beast.