A couple tiny QoL things are turning me off from Zane

Not mine found this on reddit and agree with the points and would like them fixed

A couple tiny QoL things are turning me off from Zane.

So I was looking at him as my starter but after watching a fair bit of gameplay I’ve noticed 2 things that I feel would get quite annoying after playing him awhile, and they bother center around grenades.

The first issue being that when you have 2 action skills equipped you can’t see a grenade counter to know how many you currently have. That may not seem like a big issue because you can’t throw any grenades but with a lot of his skills using grenades and most importantly buffing his clone based on his grenades you would want to make sure you have at least 3 before you cast it.

The second issue is that both is clone and his drone throw out a lot of grenades themselves. These grenades however don’t seem to damage you, which is a good thing with how much they put out you don’t want to die to friendly fire. The bad part is they still seem to produce a grenade indicator, so there’s no way to tell if that grenade next to you is friendly from your drone and safe to stay by, or if it’s about to blow your legs off.

So these are two things that seem pretty minor but I feel would get quite annoying when you go into dozens or hundreds of hours of gameplay.


What turns me off Zane are his Action Skills and his skill trees. He’ll probably be the last character I play.

The grenade count thing sounds like it could be annoying, though.

I do not like the sound he makes when afflicted by elemental damage like fire or ice. IMO it is too exaggerated; especially when compared to the other heroes.
Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vvo3r_aPdKE&feature=youtu.be&t=414


Gaige main here.

I laugh at this.


Wow, that is super annoying! I never noticed that before, haha.

The grenade indicators/amounts would be a very minor inconvenience for me that wouldn’t stop me from playing him. Plus, I would assume Gearbox will hear a lot of feedback about this and hotfix it pretty quick considering that’s probably a very minor coding change.

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Plus, I would assume Gearbox will hear a lot of feedback about this and hotfix it pretty quick considering that’s probably a very minor coding change.

That would be awesome.
I would love to disable these pain voices because they can happen at the same time of other voices made by the character. Quite weird.
The benefit for now, I have to choose only between 3 characters for the first playthrough :slight_smile:
Probably Amara or Moze.

The thing that is a positive about Zane is also a negative…he probably the most balanced character in the entire game. I dont think he has a single bad skill tree. However since he’s so balanced theres nothing really broken about him unless you have a ton of points to invest. With only 48 points you’re going to have to make alot of sacrifices with him. With the other characters there are things (Fl4k crit damage, Moze’s shields, Amara’s Crowd Control/health sustain) that they completely dominate in.

Zane is going to need a couple of level cap increases to reach his full potential.

I had brought up a similar issue in a redit post. Possible solution without too much HUD change that the dev’s could probably implement is if you have 2 action skills equipped have one of those kill skill indicators always up at the bottom with your grenade count (ideally closer to the far right next to the action skills)

I main zane and I will tell you the skills that use grenades dont come out of your grenade inventory. So the counter doesnt matter