Axton BeeHawking with SMG specialist mod and Duty Calls skill?

Anyone tried this? Sounds like it would tear ■■■■ apart tbh :grimacing:

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I don’t think anyone have done it, since an elemental sandhawk paired with a matching bone of the ancient is one of the few multiplicative stat boost axton can get.


You could do it, but in almost(actually probably every) situation elemental matching would do more damage


Ok one of the reasons I ask though is a) non element is much easier to get and b) it will work against anything

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Beehawk alone will tear anyone apart, even without specialist com and duty call skill.

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There’s no doubt this will be effective (hey, I took your Specialist COM idea and turned it into a great Bandit allegiance build) but elemental bonuses will vastly outstrip non-elemental.

To be sure though : it will work. It’ll just be tricky to maintain ammo if it’s in the upper OP levels.