Thanks to @DarthSpiderDen for the original post.
Zer0 has several playstyles that go from melee to sniper, passing through Cunning/B0re that makes use of several different types of guns. With so much variety to him I thought it was only fair we have our own thread dedicated to gear and what is best for him at end-game.
I’ll cover first the Cunning/B0re area of gear, finishing off with Sniper builds gear and melee build gear, since the last two are the ones that have “less” variety and options to it. So let’s get started. I will not put the lists in any specific order. I will give a minute explanation on the ones I feel are the best, but after that it’s up to your personal choice which one to use.
One final discloser: Zer0 requires you to play him without pants (or no pantsu in Poka’s language) for maximum effect and benefit. Don’t believe me? Just ask around the top players how they play him and see their responses. Still don’t believe us? Try it out for yourself. Be mindfull of your surroudings when doing that tough.
Useful Links
Table of Contents
Sniper / Gun build
1.1 Pistols
1.2 Shotguns
1.3 Submachine Guns
1.4 Assault Rifles
1.5 Rocket Launchers
1.6 Sniper Rifles -
2.1 Shields
2.2 Grenade Mods
2.3 Relics
2.4 Class Mods
Melee Build
3.1 Pistols
3.2 Assault Rifles
3.3 Rocket Launchers -
4.1 Shields
4.2 Grenade Mods
4.3 Relics
4.4 Class Mods
The information below is for billions gun builds for Zer0 like Sniper, Shotgun, Gun etc.
Ah pistols/revolvers, the memories these bring from BL1 and Gunslinger Mordecai. Salvador might be the best two-wielding pistol user, but Zer0 is the best one-wielding pistol user in the game, even though Zer0 doesn’t have pistol exclusive skills. Zer0 is fast, accurate and deadly when using the right guns, so here is the list:
Unkempt Harold
A pistol build essential, this Legendary Torgue pistol fires a spread of explosive giro-jets that spread in a line, hitting everything in its path. Add the Double Penetrating prefix and you have the most damaging pistol in the game and one of the most damaging guns in the game. There’s no going around: any Zer0 that does not use Snipers exclusively has this gun in a weapon slot or in the backpack for use at any given moment. It being explosive means there are only 2 or 3 enemies that are resistant to it; all the others fall to its mighty glory. Be advised: this gun consumes ammo fast, even more with the Double prefix…of course it also kills just as fast but still.
- Best parts: Torgue grip
- Best prefix: Double Penetrating
- Drops: Savage Lee and Torgue Vendors from Torgue DLC
- Gameplay video
Vladof Anarchists
From blue to purple, these are the pistols that have the Vladof barrel and fast fire rate. The fire rate is key here: the faster you fire bullets, the faster Zer0 stacks Rising Sh0t and the faster he takes out his enemies. As such, a solid Anarchist in his hands will make Zer0 a bullet hose of death.
- Best parts: Vladof grip
- Best prefix: Vengeful or Righteous
- Drops: Any loot source, Gem version from Butt Stalion in Tiny Tina’s DLC
- Gameplay video
/ Stinger
Stalker is a Pearlescent version of the Anarchists that was added in UVHM. Its feature is ricocheting bullets up to 5 times each. Thanks to B0re, the bullets can pass through enemies and ricochet off surfaces, allowing for some interesting B0re combinations like: shooting an enemy facing a wall, make the bullets ricochet of it and hit the same enemy again but now with B0re bonus. Has a (slight) lower bullet speed than the Anarchists.
Also there is Seraph version of this gun — Stinger. Its bullets can ricochet only once.
- Best parts: Vladof grip
- Best prefix: Vengeful or Righteous
- Drops: Legendary Loot Midgets, OMGWTH for Stalker; Dragons of Destruction, Tiny Tina’s DLC for Stinger
- Gameplay video for Stinger
The masher, the shotgun that uses pistol ammo, this is a Legendary Jakobs revolver that fires x6 pellets for each bullet (x10 if using the Two fer prefix). Add to that the Jakobs manufacter characteristic of firing as fast as you pull the trigger and the added critical damage and you’re looking at a damage dealing monster in the hands of Zer0. Manage to hit all the pellets and even the biggest Ultimate Badass falls to Zer0 in seconds. It’s a great gun even at higher levels and the lack of elemental damage does not affect it by much. When talking about pistol builds, this is one of the essentials.
- Best parts: Jakobs grip
- Best prefix: Gunstock, Dastardly or Trick Shot
- Drops: Mick Zaford in the Dust (side with Hodunks in the “Clan Wars” mission)
- Gameplay video
Grog Nozzle
The Moxxie weapon, healing for 65% of all damage dealt while holding them respectively, they are not melee builds exclusive, which is why I’m mentioning them here. The Grog is always slag element. Essential if you want fast on demand healing and at higher OP levels.
- Best parts: Maliwan grip
- Best prefix: Any
- Drops: Quest item from the mission “The Beard makes the man” (don’t turn in the mission)
Honorable mentions
Lady Fist
Mission reward from T.K. Baha’s niece, this blue rarity Hyperion pistol packs a walloping +800% critical hit damage which, for Zer0, is great with his gun damage and critical hits bonuses. As it is a Hyperion gun, it get’s more accurate the more you fire, making the last shots pinpoint on the ever so necessary critical hit boxes. This gun can come in non-elemental or elemental. After some analysis I’ve changed this weapon from Top Gear to HM since weapons with large critical hit bonuses but lower base damage (compared to other weapons) aren’t very helpful to Zer0 since he can boost critical hit damage like no other character on BL2. With this said, he will have better performance with weapons with high base damage and normal critical hit damage compared to the other Vaul Hunters.
- Best parts: Hyperion or Bandit grip
- Best prefix: Dynamic or Win-Win
- Drops: “Uncle Teddy” mission, deliver to Una Baha
- Gameplay video
Same as Grog Nozzle it’s the Moxxie weapon, that healing for 12% of all damage dealt while holding them respectively. Unlike the Grog Nozzle it can come in all elements.
- Best parts: Maliwan grip
- Best prefix: Any
- Drops: Quest reward from “Rakkaholic Anonymous” if you deliver to Moxxie
Hyperion unique pistol, this is quite the complex weapon. Its card lies to you, hiding its true potential. The Fibber comes with 3 types of barrels and what you’ll want is the third barrel, with the ricocheting 9 bullets that have increased critical hit damage. Manage to learn the ricochet path and you got one powerful little pistol. Unfortunately to aim with the ricochet you’ll have to aim at the ground, making you lose sight of the battlefield and of your enemies, which on Zer0 can be deadly. Zer0 can also make use of the second barrel that fires a spread of 8-9 bullets much like a shotgun, with slow bullet speed, less fire-rate than the third barrel and slower reload speed. The damage between the 2 barrels is very similar but the difference in the other characteristics of the gun makes the third barrel the prefered one if you find it.
- Best parts: Barrel 3 (richocheting 9 bullets spread)
- Best prefix: Dynamic or Win-Win
- Drops: Quest reward from “A Real Boy”
/ Teapot
The Hornet is a Dahl Legendary pistol and one of the best corrosive guns in the game. Being Dahl it will have burst-fire properties when aiming downs sights with low recoil and a fast burst fire rate. If looking to kill loaders, this is one of the choices for it. The Teapot is a quest reward from the Tea Party mission for Tina and basically it’s a Hornet but with lower fire rate and burst size. In return it has better accuracy, enabling it to fire at much longer range than the Hornet, especially if the weapon spawns with a decent sight with enough zoom (Hyperion and Maliwan for example). The Hornet would be a Top Gear gun if not for being elemental locked to corrosive damage - if it were shock damage for example it could very well be top gear.
- Best parts: Dahl grip for Hornet / Jakobs grip for Teapot
- Best prefix: Loaded or Twin for Hornet / Neutralizing for Teapot
- Drops: Knuckledragger for Hornet / Quest reward from “You are cordially invited” final mission for Teapot
- Gameplay video for Hornet
The Infinity is the Legendary Vladof pistol with low accuracy but that does not consume ammo and, on Zer0, it’s also a great MOBBING gun, benefiting from 0ne SH0t 0ne Kill skill being constantly active to increase its damage. Although it receives a lot of hate, it’s still a solid pistol for mobbing on Zer0, especially if you spec with the gun in mind and should not be made into what it’s not: the best gun ever or the worst gun ever. It is an HM on Zer0 since he is the best character to use this gun, even at OP8.
- Best parts: Vladof grip
- Best prefix: Righteous
- Drops: Doc Mercy
- Gameplay video
Shotguns go hand in hand with most of the Cunning/B0re builds and can be Raid Boss killers. Zer0 can bring the damage from shotguns to a new level when you combine them with decepti0n bonus, slag, Death Bl0ss0m debuff with Death Mark, 0ne Sh0t 0ne Kill and B0re. The best shotguns to use with Zer0 are Jakobs, due to the high base damage and normally low ammo clip that functions pratically like a constant 0S0K, and Hyperion with their increased accuracy the longer you fire as well as 0S0K followed by Rising Sh0t, letting you hit critical hit spots accuratly and for a longer time than most other shotguns.
Jakobs unique with increased damage and number of pellets that firein a triangle shape. With Rustler’s prefix it has the highest raw pellet count of any shotgun in the game with 21 pellets per shot.
- Best parts: Jakobs or Tediore grip; Torgue or Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Doc’s
- Drops: Quest reward from “Clan War: End of the Rainbow”
Jakobs unique, shock only. This shotgun fires a slow moving mass of shock pellets shaped as a mini tornado. What makes it so great and devastating on Zer0 is that the slow moving bullets and B0re work together so well that you can B0re through single targets, giving it even more massive damage besides it’s already large damage capacity. My personal go-to-gun for Hyperious killing.
- Best parts: Jakobs or Tediore grip; Torgue or Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Rustler’s
- Drops: Omnd-Omnd-Ohk, Hammerlock’s DLC
- Gameplay video
Jakobs Coach Guns
/ Orphan Maker
Coach Guns are Jakobs shotguns that have high damage and pellet count at the cost of using two rounds of ammunition per shot, coupled with a low magazine size. The typical magazine size is two, making most Coach Guns single-fire weapons (except 3-rounded magazines), that have good synergy with One Sh0t 0ne Kill.
Orphan Maker is the unique version of Jakobs Coach Gun, that has very high damage but each time you fire a shot it will damage you. With Grim specied and since it has such high raw damage, it will one-shot most enemies even on OP8 and the damage taken will disappear once Grim kicks in. Still, consideration should be taken if you are surrounded by enemies and are taking damage from several sources.
- Best parts: Jakobs grip; Torgue or Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Doc’s for Coach Gun; Rustler’s for Orphan Maker
- Drops: Any loot source in the world for Coach Gun; Quest reward from “Message in a bottle” in Oasis for Orphan Maker
- Gameplay video for Coach Gun
- Gameplay video for Orphan Maker
Jakobs Quads
/ Hydra
Both these shotguns are together since the way they work and are meant to be played by Zer0 is similar to each other. The Quads are Jakobs shotguns with the Torgue barrel and the Hydra is a unique from the Hammerlock DLC. They are shotguns with the Jakobs seal: high damage (especially the Hydra), non-elemental, fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. They are grouped together since they benefit from Zer0’s style of play, skills and Decepti0n more than the rest of the shotguns after these. Entering Decepti0n not only will let you get close to the enemy, since these shotguns have good accuracy, you will be able to hit consistently critical hit spots when exiting Decepti0n. Add in Death Bl0ss0m, 0S0K, slag and Zer0’s critical hit buffs and you will have a devastating shot as a starter for the battle and normally kill the enemy instantly. The Hydra requires some care since the weapon effect is to fire a spread of bullets in an horizontal plane that will spread throughout the field of view, making it viable up close and personal on enemies. Robot enemies with multiple critical hit spots (Loaders) will suffer with the Hydra since it can effectively hit several of them in one single shot.
- Best parts: Jakobs grip; Torgue or Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Doc’s
- Drops: Any loot source in the world for the Quads, Gem version from Butt Stalion in Tiny Tina’s DLC/ Rouge in Hammerlock’s DLC for the Hydra
- Gameplay video for Quads
- Gameplay video for Hydra
Seraph Hyperion shotgun, can come in all elements. It’s the highest damage shotgun in the game, period. The bullet spread separates into three at the beginning and converge to the center after some time in the air, repeating the process again. This means that hitting an enemy at the critical hit box in the point where all bullets converge = dead. Only problem: Precisi0n and Vel0city will alter the bullet spread, making it one the most difficult weapons to use to its fullest in the game. Also it consumes added ammo for each shot, making it easy to chew through your ammo reserves. Like the Greed pistol, does not slow down your movement speed while ADS.
- Best parts: Hyperion grip, Torgue stock
- Best prefix: Practicable
- Drops: Voracidous the Invincible in Hammerlock’s DLC
Conference Call
Legendary Hyperion shotgun that can come in all elements, it will fire a hail of bullets that go across the map horizontally for the price of one. It’s a great shotgun on Zer0 due to a single skill: B0re!( what a surprise). Having a shotgun that practically fills the entire map with bullets makes for easier B0re shots and kills. Even though it’s fallen from grace since the Bee nerf, it’s still a great shotgun on Zer0’s hands and one of the best in the game.
- Best parts: Hyperion grip; Torgue stock
- Best prefix: Practicable
- Drops: The Warrior in the main game and the Handsome Sorcerer in Tiny Tina’s DLC
A good Pearl finally. The Butcher is a Hyperion shotgun that has lower pellets than most other shotguns but has a high fire rate and the ability to randomly replenish your ammo reserves. Being Hyperion means the longer you fire the more accurate it is and, replenishing its ammo can make for long sessions of non-stop fire. And with all the critical hit damage boosts Zer0 has, this weapon is an excellent choice for main weapon on him. Can come in all elements.
- Best parts: Bandit or Hyperion grip; Torgue stock
- Best prefix: Practicable
- Drops: Legendary Loot Midgets; OMGWTH
- Gameplay video
Unicornsplosion is the Torgue effervescent shotgun that fires miniature Butt Stallions that explode into 3 smaller projectiles that also explode. Just this makes it awesome and if you’re not using it at this point, there is something wrong with you. Oh also, the projectiles can B0re through enemies. Get them all packed up and fire it to the middle and see them die right there and now. And the slow projectiles can be remedied with Vel0city.
is just the same Torgue E-tech shotgun that fires swords. Same abilities, same +500% weapon damage, same B0re playing style. Oh have I mentioned it fires SWORDS!!!
- Best parts: Torgue grip; Torgue or Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Casual
Drops: feed Butt Stallion while wearing the Mysterious Amulet in the Backburner from Commander Lilith DLC for Unicornsplosion; Quest reward from “The Sword in The Stoner” from Tiny Tina’s DLC for
/ Blockhead
Omen is Tediore Seraph E-tech shotgun that shoots a circle of about 8 bullets at the cost of only 1, that travel in an in-out pattern in a straight trajectory until hitting a surface or an enemy. The spread of the weapon and the bullets pattern makes this a great gun for B0re several enemies. Only downside is it’s fire rate (even with Tw0 Fang), which can make it lose some ground to faster fire rate shotguns (CC and Butcher come to my mind). Besides fire rate, it has pretty good damage and with B0re it can destroy packed groups of mobs.
Blockhead is a rare version, always fire, this shotgun will fire for the price of 1 bullet a square made out of 9 blocks (11 for Gentle prefix) of ricocheting bullets that will spread depending on the distance that is also perfect for B0re. The added bonus is hitting several of the smaller blocks of bullets on the critical hit box of enemies, giving massive damage since each bullet as the base damage of the shotgun. Being fire means it’s great for flesh, not so great for everything else but the synergy it has with B0re makes it on the list.
- Best parts: Tediore grip; Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: New and Improved or Royal for Omen; Gentle for Blockhead
- Drops: Dragons of Destruction in Tiny Tina’s DLC for Omen; Badass Creepers on the Caustic Caverns for Blockhead
- Gameplay video for Omen
- Gameplay video for Blockhead
Honorable mentions
Legendary torgue shotgun, it will fire a wall of explosions that detonate a few feet in front of the player. This is a difficult gun: it has one of the highest damage potentials of all the guns in the game but its shot pattern makes it quite difficult to hit enemies. Blutfatal has made a guide on the Flakker and how to use it that I will later on add in the link. If learned how to use and aim it becomes quite devastating at taking out enemies. Also the explosions can proc B0re, making its damage potential on Zer0 even greater.
- Best parts: Torgue grip; Torgue or Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Casual
- Drops: The Warrior in the main game; Handsome Sorcerer in Tiny Tina’s DLC
- Gameplay video
Heart Breaker
Unique Hyperion Moxxie shotgun, always fire. It will heal for 2% of all damage done and has a 50% critical hit damage bonus. It also fires in a heart pattern. Not as damaging as the ones above but the healing properties and being elemental makes it a good choice for flesh enemies. It has a higher critical hit damage multiplier than regular Hyperion shotguns.
- Best parts: Hyperion grip; Torgue stock
- Best prefix: Practicable
- Drops: Quest reward from “Safe and Sound”, deliver to Moxxie
- Gameplay video
Torgue shotguns with the Torgue barrel, always explosive. High damage, high splash damage, almost no one resistant to them and B0re. Go up close, fire it, and see enemies fall to they’re might. Be careful, the bullet speed is quite low and it has lower fire rate than Jakobs or Hyperion shotguns. It’s a close quarter shotgun.
- Best parts: Torgue grip; Torgue or Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Casual
- Drops: Any loot source in the world
Jolly Roger
Bandit unique shotgun, this shotgun is probably the best Bandit weapon you can get for Zer0. It fires in a skull-shape pattern, hence the name, which makes aiming with it easier than the rest of the Bandit weapons since accuracy isn’t exactly their department. When using this shotgun you will use it the same way as a Jakobs Quad or Hydra: slag - deception - kunai - in your face - face full of buckshot. It’s basically the same for both of them. Only advantage (and disadvantage mind you) of the Jolly Roger is it can come with elements.
- Best parts: Bandit grip; Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Critikal hit
- Drops: Quest reward from “Just Desserts For Desert Deserters” in Scarllet DLC
- Gameplay video
Submachine Guns
Zer0 is not the best SMG user by far. Other weapons deal much more damage and are much more effective for him. Still, there are some SMG’s that even Zer0 can use:
Sand Hawk
This unique Dahl SMG fires a burst of 8 pellets for the cost of 3 bullets in a swaying motion, imitating a bird flying. Since the pellets aren’t listed in the weapon description, each pellet will receive full damage and full amp damage. What does this mean? Major destruction when combined with a Bee shield and good management from the player.
- Best parts: Dahl grip; Dahl stock
- Best prefix: Flying
- Drops: Quest reward from “Whoops” mission in Captain Scarlet’s DLC
- Gameplay video
Honorable mentions
Seraph Maliwan SMG that can slag AND shock its targets. It’s great for slagging and stripping shields all in one go, leaving Zer0 with weapon slots to put his high damaging weapons.
- Best parts: Maliwan grip
- Best prefix: Impetuous or Consummate
- Drops: Seraph Vendor in Tiny Tina’s DLC
Hyperion Legendary SMG, it has high accuracy and fast accuracy gain and increased critical hit damage. Once you start firing it won’t take long for the sight to aim down almost perfectly on enemies and will enable you to hit the critical hit spots, boosting its damage considerably since Zer0’s skills boost critical hit damage.
- Best parts: Hyperion grip
- Best prefix: Rightsizing
- Drops: BNK3R
Legendary Bandit SMG, it fires a set of 3 pellets for the price of one, always slag elemental. Each bullet doesn’t have a very high slagging chance but combined with the fast fire rate of SMG’s and its large magazine size characteristic of Bandit weapons and you got a solid slagging weapon for use at any level.
- Best parts: Bandit grip
- Best prefix: Bulets go Fasterifed
- Drops: Tektor & Jimbo Hodunks (side with Zafords in “Clan War” quest)
Assault Rifles
Yes, they exist in this game. No, Zer0 has no need for them but there are some AR that are good enough to be mentioned here on the Top Gear list starting with:
Jakobs pearlescent weapon. That’s right, a Jakobs assault rifle on the top gear. This weapon fires a 1st bullet followed by a slower 2nd bullet that after some time in the air will split into 3 bullets on a horizontal plane. At the right distance and aiming at critical spots this gun will drop most enemies on Pandora fast. It synergizes with B0re if you can nail the right distance at which the 2nd bullet splits, increasing even more the already impressive damage. One of the few weapons than can kill consistently on OP8 without the need to use slag. The recoil from this weapon isn’t too large to make it unusable and you can compensate for it.
- Best parts: Jakobs grip; Dahl stock
- Best prefix: Boss
- Drops: Chubby enemies
- Gameplay video
M2828 Thumpson
An advanced version of Hammer Buster it’s Jakobs Legendary assault rifle, that packs extremely high damage and fires as fast as you can pull the trigger. Furthermore it has approximately quadrupled magazine size that is about 60 (but may be increased to 93 with a Bandit grip and magazine size accessory, that is the highest possible magazine size for a Jakobs weapon). In exchange for this benefits, it has slightly reduced accuracy.
- Best parts: Jakobs grip; Dahl stock
- Best prefix: Horse (it’s not displayed, looking for Stability+ accessory)
- Drops: Marked Grave in the north of Dahl Abandon
Unique Vladoff Moxxie weapon. This rifle fires in a smile pattern. Why mention this one? Healing plus high B0re chance. Also the large bullet spread makes this a devastating weapon to use close range and, with healing, makes it somewhat safe to use close quarters.
Best parts: Vladof grip; Dahl stock
Best prefix: Ferocious
Drops: Quest reward from “Everybody Wants to be Wanted” in Torgue’s DLC
Vladof unique Moxxie weapon, has bonus critical damage but has a catch: it fires in a grenade launcher pattern with arcing bullets that divide into two after some time in the air. This makes it necessary to have a learning curve to use it effectively. Manage to learn how to fire and you got a very solid and damaging AR.
- Best parts: Vladof grip; Dahl stock
- Best prefix: Ferocious
- Drops: Quest reward from “Bandit Slaughter” arena, round 5
- Gameplay video
Honorable mentions
Hammer Buster
Jakobs Legendary assault rifle, it packs high damage and fires as fast as you can pull the trigger. It doesn’t have other special characteristics besides firing like a regular Jakobs rifle, with increased base damage compared to it’s non-unique counterparts. And Zer0 loves weapons with high base damage, even more with Jakobs special critical hit multiplier. This weapon does pack a punch if you hit enemies critical hit spots but be mindful of it’s recoil before giving use to your trigger finger. It’s the stand-in Jakobs AR until you find the Bekah.
- Best parts: Jakobs grip; Dahl stock
- Best prefix: Horse
- Drops: McNally in The Dust
Lead Storm
Vladof Seraph weapon, it fires bullets in an arc just like the Hail, only this time they separate into 3 bullets instead of 2. This weapon is more suited for large enemies or enemies with multiple critical hit boxes so you can take advantage of the separating bullets hitting for critical hits. Smaller enemies or fast moving enemies aren’t for this gun since you need to get into a certain distance to get the damage boost.
- Best parts: Vladof grip; Dahl stock
- Best prefix: Ferocious
- Drops: Seraph Vendor in Hammerlock’s DLC
- Gameplay video
Rocket Launchers
Zer0’s need of rocket launchers are more for a FFYL situation or other specific scenarios. Other than that Zer0 builds using rocket lauchers as the main weapon are almost non-existent.
Legendary Maliwan rocket laucher. At this point in game is there anything left for me to say regarding this weapon? No, don’t think so. It blows **** up and that’s all you need really.
- Best parts: Maliwan grip, Tediore/Vladof sight, Torgue/Vladof/Maliwan exhaust
- Best prefix: Prudential or Puissant
- Drops: Vermivorous or Hyperius
Honorable mentions
Vladof e-tech rocket launchers with high fire rate, fast reload speed and reduced ammo consumption. This makes for a really powerful rocket launcher since it can downpour a heavy barrage of rockets on the enemies without you having to reload. This effect actually allows the Topneaas to rival the Norfleet in terms of DPS, not single shot damage, making it an extremly efficient RL.
- Best parts: Vladof grip, Tediore/Vladof sight, Vladof/Maliwan exhaust
- Best prefix: Turbulent/Partisan/Ruthless
- Drops: Any loot source in the world
Bandit Legendary, fires 6 rockets in a vertical pattern for the price of one and has high damage and a large magazine size. The Bandit grip also comes with a blade attachment, which can be made very useful on Zer0 and his melee skills (namely Killing Bl0w + Execute). A very viable option for your Get Out of Jail card or even for normal gameplay when an enemy his in Killing Bl0w range.
- Best parts: Bandit grip, Tediore/Vladof sight, Vladof/Maliwan exhaust
- Best prefix: Rappid or Big
- Drops: King Mong in Eridium Blight
Sniper Rifles
Here we are, the dedicated skill tree and the dedicated build type. Zer0 is the best sniper in the game, hands down. No other class can come close to the level of damage Zer0 can dish out as a sniper. There are many options here and several snipers Zer0 can use depending on the Manufacturer. I will first mention the 2 best sniper rifles for Zer0 and then explain a bit how each manufacturer performs with Zer0.
Unique Maliwan sniper. The BEST sniper in the game and probably the best weapon in the entire game, it fires a bullet that will spread in a flower pattern from point of impact on the vertical plane; after a short distance in the air the inital bullet will create child pellets that spreading horizontally to the inital shot in a set manner, independently from where you shot. Each of the child pellets carry the same damage as the first shot. Zer0 is ungodly deadly with this sniper due to B0re: when the child pellets are created, if that happens to be inside the enemy hit box, it will count as B0re procing and will increase the damage exponentially. Make all of them hit the critical hit box and you one-shot Ultimate Badasses easily even without slag. Like I said: ungodly deadly.
- Best parts: Jakobs or Maliwan grip; Dahl or Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Barking or Banbury for mobbing; Banbury if using CA-stacking or raids
- Drops: Quest reward from “Don’t Copy That Floppy” in Scarlet’s DLC
- Gameplay video
Vladof Legendary sniper and Zer0’s 2nd best sniper, it has increased critical hit damage (125%). Add to that excelent base damage, fast fire rate, good accuracy and low recoil and you have a great sniper for Zer0. Add in Critical Ascension stacks and you can one-shot regular enemies and dispatch raid bosses fairly easy. It looses to the Pimpernel mostly due to ammo efficiency, since this weapon synergizes very well with CA.
- Best parts: Vladof grip and stock
- Best prefix: Skorry or Bolshy
- Drops: Gettle in the Dust
- Gameplay video
Maliwan seems to have the best synergy with Zer0 in regards to Snipers: good damage, good accuracy, good reload speed, good fire rate, always elemental and added in splash damage from the element. This allows the weapon to be used to great effect alongside CA, be either mobbing or raiding, pre-stacking or not.
Zer0’s 3rd best sniper, probably 2nd best when mobbing but loosing to the Lyuda when raiding, it’s the Maliwan non-unique sniper with the Maliwan barrel. It has all the good things mentioned above for Maliwan snipers, with the added bonus of extra elemental effect chance. The slag version of this sniper is the 2nd highest slag chance weapon on the game (with the first spot being occupied by the Pimpernel). If you haven’t tried it out, you probably should right now.
- Best parts: Maliwan grip; Dahl or Hyperion stock; Maliwan barrel
- Best prefix: Banbury
- Drops: Any loot source in the world
Honorable mentions
Maliwan unique Moxxie sniper, unlike the other Moxxie weapons, it will heal you for direct damage only if you hit a critical hit spot, with the splash damage characteristic of Maliwan snipers substituted for transfusion healing dots; other sources of damage (like elemental dot or grenades) will heal you the same way any Moxxie weapon heals you. For Sniper-only Zer0’s it becomes one of the essentials for health regen. CA will of course work on this weapon as well, making its health gain pretty much impressive with enough CA stacks (and it doesn’t take many to make it’s healing properties great).
- Best parts: Maliwan grip; Dahl or Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Banbury
- Drops: Quest reward from the “Hyperion Circle of Slaughter”, round 5
- Gameplay video
Vladof snipers are known for having fast fire rate and decent recoil and accuracy. They work wonderfully with CA, letting you gain stacks very fast. They also come with very decent base damage, which has all to gain from CA. No wonder the Lyuda is Zer0’s second best sniper rifle in the game.
Vladof non-unique sniper with the Vladof barrel. If you can’t find the Lyuda then this can work as a substitute without any loss to it after factoring in CA. In the hands of Zer0 it works just like the Lyuda, with less base damage and critical hit damage multiplier. As the same problem as it’s Legendary counter-part: ammo efficiency. The only reason I didn’t put the Droog with the Lyuda is that Vladof deserved a mention as a manufacturer as a whole and putting it there would mess a bit with the organization of this section.
- Best parts: Vladof grip and stock
- Best prefix: Skorry or Bolshy
- Drops: any loot source in the world; gem version from Butt Stalion in Tiny Tina’s DLC.
Jakobs snipers we’re designed with 0ne Sh0t 0ne Kill synergy in the first place, as snipers that would kill enemies in 1-2 shots. As the level cap increased and UVHM was added to the game, they lost some of their power in the process but there are some of them that retain these abilities even at OP8. Be carefull when firing fast (they, like almost all Jakobs weapons, fire as fast as you pull the trigger), since they have the biggest recoil in the sniper section.
Amigo Sincero
A perfect Jakobs sniper rifle, that makes all the other rifles from this manufacturer obsolete. More powerful then Skullmasher, has the same special effect as Trespasser, but it’s legendary. And it’s very easy to get - it’s quest reward from the quest in the Backburner. Also it will always spawn with the same accessory (Melee accessory) and the same sight (Jakobs), so you don’t need to worry about those parts. All you want is that matching grip, and a stock that isn’t Jakobs.
- Best parts: Jakobs grip; Dahl stock
- Best prefix: Always bladed
- Drops: quest reward from the “BFFFs” in Commander Lilith DLC
- Gameplay video
Powerful Legendary Jakobs sniper, it fires 5 pellets for the price of one bullet. Unfortunately it has low accuracy and high recoil, making hitting all 6 pellets on the enemies difficult unless you are close to them or have high Precisi0n. It has a fast fire rate, making it work more as a shotgun rather than a sniper. If you equip a Shot class mod when handling this weapon then it’s spread tightens enough to be able to be used at long range, with the added benefit of easier critical hit’s due to the existance of the spread in the first place. It can work with CA, boosting it’s damage considerably.
- Best parts: Jakobs grip; Dahl or Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Skookum
- Drops: Son of Mothrakk in Wildlife Exploitation Preserve
- Gameplay video
Jakobs sniper with the Vladof barrel, these snipers have a faster rate of fire, more semi-auto as opposed to bolt action in other Jakobs sniper rifles. This sniper allows user to combine high damage of Jakobs snipers and ability to fire off multiple shots in quick succession. Moreover it’s easier to stack CA with this rifle.
- Best parts: Jakobs grip: Dahl stock
- Best prefix: Skookum
- Drops: Any loot source in the world; gem version from Butt Stalion in Tiny Tina’s DLC
Jakobs sniper with the Jakobs barrel, these snipers have some of the highest base damage when regarding snipers and, being Jakobs, have the characteristic of having bonus critical hit damage. The downside is it has low fire rate and high recoil, making it difficult to shoot fast at the same spot in enemies. It’s a sniper made more for one shot kills and does not work as well with CA as faster fire rate snipers do. Still, they are pretty good and can work with CA if the player is precise when aiming.
- Best parts: Jakobs grip: Dahl stock
- Best prefix: Skookum
- Drops: Any loot source in the world; gem version from Butt Stalion in Tiny Tina’s DLC
Honorable mentions
A little brother of Amigo Sincero, this Jakobs unique also has the ability to pass through shields, mimicking Mordecai’s top skill in his sniper tree. It has a pretty low fire rate, so it’s mainly used for Pyro Pete to take out his helmet and allow critical hit damage and during the Vorac fight to kill the chief while he has his shield equipped.
- Best parts: Jakobs grip; Dahl stock
- Best prefix: Skookum
- Drops: Quest reward from “Animal Rights”
- Gameplay video
Dahl snipers, like every other Dahl weapon, have burst fire when aiming down sights. This allows their snipers to gain stacks of CA fast. They aren’t very regularly used by Zer0 since, in terms of CA stacking, Vladof are ususally faster and their base damage is similar between the two manufacturers. Still, there is one Dahl sniper that deserves it’s place on this list. The burst effect will have varying recoil depending on the weapon itself, so some management is necessary to hit the last bullets from the burst on target.
Dahl unique, it’s one of the most damaging snipers in the game. It has slow bullet speed but with Vel0city, Zer0 can counter this feature and make it extremely effective on his hands. Being Dahl, aiming down sights will make it burst fire, allowing for fast burst rates. Works well with CA or even without but with increasing stacks, the burst fire will effectively mean wasted ammo, with the enemy dead with the first bullet fired from the burst.
- Best parts: Dahl grip; Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Pacifying
- Drops: Quest reward from “Rakkaholics Anonymous”, deliver to Mordecai
- Gameplay video
Hyperion snipers have the reverse recoil characteristic of all Hyperion weapons. On snipers it means that, the longer you fire, the more precise and accurate the weapon will be with almost no recoil at all. The main problems Hyperion snipers have is a lower fire rate than the other manufacturers, which can be countered with a Neutral Rogue class mod.
Legendary E-tech Hyperion sniper, it has no scope and it’s always fire. Shots pixilated arrows (reference to Minecraft) and it has increased critical hit damage, making it an excellent choice for flesh targets. Since it has no scope, you can’t find it with Auditing prefix for more damage, so use Venture for crit damage bonus.
- Best parts: Hyperion grip; Dahl stock
- Best prefix: Venture
- Drops: Badass Creeper on Caustic Caverns
- Gameplay video
Honorable mentions
Legendary Hyperion sniper, when aiming down sights it will fire in burst mode similar to Dahl weapons. Due to being Hyperion, its accuracy will increase with the burst as well as recoil being close to none. It’s a good weapon for both CA stacking AND CA main killer, making it able to dispatch maps of enemies provided you pay attention to your ammo reserves.
- Best parts: Hyperion grip; Dahl or Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Auditing
- Drops: Saturn
- Gameplay video
Hyperion unique sniper, this weapon has a hidden special effect of increasing critical hit damage every two critical hits, four times(60% for each stack). A stack can decay before another stack is achieved. Due to this feature the weapon is actually better than it appears on paper.
- Best parts: Hyperion grip; Dahl or Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Auditing
- Drops: Quest reward from “Hyperion contract #873”
- Gameplay video
Fremington's Edge
Another Hyperion unique sniper, this weapon has increase critical hit multiplier and it has the largest zoom of any other sniper in the game. Being Hyperion means it’s recoil it’s close to nothing, leaving you room to use other weapon parts has opposed to other entries in the list. Main drawbacks are the large zoom (which is impractical at medium to close range) and fire rate. Fortunately Tw0 Fang can help out with the fire rate as well as removing the recoil.
- Best parts: Hyperion or Jakobs grip; Dahl or Hyperion stock
- Best prefix: Auditing
- Drops: Assassin Reeth on Southpaw Steam and Power
- Gameplay video
Taken from the master himself: