Fellow Vault Hunters.
I was making a video on the Ladyfist today, and after seeing numbers around 100,000,000 v a robot and 45,000,000 v the Test Dummy I started to query how these numbers are calculated. So I trawled the internet and could only find some bizarre equations that didn’t really make sense, so I made sense myself. Now for Sirens this will make some interesting reading unless you already know, and since I’ve been here from Sept 2012 and it’s about time I knew the facts too and shared them.
So, the Ladyfist. 800% Critical Damage but very low base damage. Risk and Reward, much like the Bee. If they work they obliterate the enemy, if not your running in the other direction.
So how do we come to these big numbers? And more importantly, why it’s so good to use the right element -v- the right enemy. Numbers change considerably.
Firstly, in UVHM we have elemental modifiers. And the Ladyfist I’m explaining is Corrosive. So against flesh it only does 0.6 ‘Overall’ damage. Versus Robo-dudes we have 1.75 ‘Overall’ damage.
Secondly, all weapons have different Critical Bonus Modifiers. The Ladyfist has a weapon Bonus of 2.25. Some snipers may have 5+
So, I turn off my BAR and clear my slots from relic, shield and class mod.
The numbers on the range maybe rounded off in calculations, but the formula is correct and figures match otherwise.
So my Ladyfist has 65301 base Gun Damage and 800% Critical Damage. The calculation goes like this >>
65301 Gun Damage
x 2.25 Critical Bonus (Pistols are usually around 2 but may have hidden bonuses)
x 8 (800% Critical Damage)
x 0.6 (Corrosive v Flesh Modifier)
= 705,250
x 1.75 (Versus Metal)
= 2,056,981
Big difference taking into account element versus enemy type modifier. 0.6 or 1.75 is a big swing.
Next we add a Bone of the Ancients Corrosive Relic (31% Corrosive Damage)
x 2.25
x 1.31 (31% for Corrosive Relic)
x 8
x 0.6
= 923,878
x 1.75 (Versus Metal)
= 2,694,000
Next we add a Bee Shield (+474720 Amp Damage)
65301 Gun Damage
+ 474720 (Amp Damage added to Gun Damage)
x 2.25
x 1.31
x 8
x 0.6
= 7,640,217
x 1.75 (Versus Metal)
= 22,283,966
Holy cow, now you can see the The Bee amping things up big.
Next we add a Legendary Siren mod (+30% Gun Damage)
65301 Gun Damage
x 1.31 (31%Gun Damage from Siren mod)
- 474720
x 2.25
x 1.31
x 8
x 0.6
= 7,926,619
x 1.75 (Versus Metal)
= 22,119,306
NOTE: You might expect the number to go up 30%?? No, the Gun Damage is calculated before anything, thus is actually pretty useless…roughly put. The Relic actually adds after the Bee and Crit Bonus so adding a lot more. Even worse if your a Siren using a Corrosive Witch class mod, it does NOTHING. It only effects DoT damage.
Next we add 5 Points into Accelerate with Siren mod adding 5 (10/5) + 30% Gun Damage
= 8,203,783
= 23,927,700
So basically Accelerate just adds a small number and bullet speed.
Next we add 5 Points into Minds Eye with Siren mod adding 5 (10/5) + 50% Critical Damage
= 8,716,519
= 25,423,181
So Minds Eye adds the extra 50% Critical which is simple and a decent number.
Next we add 5 Points into Reaper with Siren mod adding 0 (5/5) + 40% Gun Damage
= 12,203,127
= 35,592,454
HOLY CRAP ON A CRACKER CLAPTRAP!! That must be wrong?? No, Reaper actually calculates after the 850% Critical has been done. Strange, because Reaper says Gun Damage so why not the same as the other Gun Damage calcs? Well, either it’s broke or the wording is wrong. Maybe it should say ‘Damage’ - not ‘Gun Damage’.
Finally we change class mod to a Legendary Binder. This now takes away 31% Gun Damage, and changes Accelerate and Minds Eye to 5/5 from 10/5 and Reaper to 10/5 from 5/5. Thus removing 31% Gun Damage and 5 Points - Should be worse huh? And the silly equation looks like this:
((((( 65301 ( x 15% ) + 474720 ) x 2.25 ) x 31% ) x 825% ) x 80% ) x 1.75 = 42,114,903 v METAL
65301 - Gun Damage x 15% from Accelerate
Then + 474720 from the Bee Amp
Then x 2.25 by the hidden critical gun type bonus
Then x 31% from the Relics elemental bonus
Then x 825% Critical bonuses from Minds Eye and Ladyfist
Then x 80% by Reaper for enemies above 50% Health
Then x 1.75 elemental modifier for the versus Metal Robot
OOOSH!! Well, that’s a big number and now you know how it came to be. The Ladyfist inflicts serious pain upon thy foe. And we haven’t even added the SLAG multiplier on that number
Hope this is easy enough to understand from a calculation point of view. It does fry your brain a bit, but it’s the sequence of calculations that’s hard to find in the first place to get to the numbers you see and why. You can then use any weapon, find out the critical bonuses and how your skills and equipment effect the outcome.
Officer Furion signing out. I need CIDER!
Edit: Video Added.