So I recently started playing the original Borderlands again a few days ago and jumped back on to my lv69 Lilith. She’s got a couple pearls and a ton of legendaries but what I’m looking for is to fix my Brand Loyalty. The Brand that’s plastered behind your character where all your weapon proficiencies and ammo stock is. Mine’s been stuck on Vladof and I want to make it to Maliwan. What exactly factors in to make Brand Loyalty go up? What do I have to do to make it so Maliwan appears behind my Lily not Vladof
If you want it to change, start using Maliwan brand items more. If you have been, continue doing so and it’ll eventually change. Though depending on how long you used Vladof for, it may take a bit to change.
What Kitty said. My Lilith’s says Torgue because I’ve used their Double Anarchies majority of the game. If you used Vladof for way too long, you may never be able to change it to Maliwan. I know there’s no chance of changing mine off of Torgue.
Aw man I couldn’t even tell you how much I used since I haven’t played her in over what 4 years? Time to spam. Thanks guys
So… time to use Vladof’s catchphrase against itself “You don’t need to be a better shot, you just need to shoot more bullets?”
I wish you luck on your endeavor even if it’s to change from the awesomeness that is Vladof.
If I might make a suggestion, try killing the spiderants in the area outside Tannis’ camp near where Rakkinishu spawns, I seem to get a fair amount of BA or SB spiderant variants so it won’t just be mindless killing but rather “challenge mixed with fun” killing.
So wait does it count by how many enemies you kill or by how many bullets you fire OR by the experience they yield?
Well it only took me 5 days of using nothing but a Hellfire and a Ammo Regen Merc class mod just farming mobs and I did it Thanks for all the help
Good question… I’d think it’d be more “Time spent with x brand weapon equipped” and rather than running around farming chests or doing nothing in particular if you were killing things it’d be more fun/pass the time more quickly but if it were “x amount of bullets fired from y manufacturer gun” it’d still have the same effect as would “killing enemies with x manufacturer gun”.
Hmm… IIRC I actually had it be Ashin once so it would be “time spent with x manufacturer equipped” but this would’ve been a long time ago so I might or might not be remembering correctly.
[quote=“Evaria, post:7, topic:296294, full:true”]
Well it only took me 5 days of using nothing but a Hellfire and a Ammo Regen Merc class mod just farming mobs and I did it Thanks for all the help