Lost my copy of BL1

I had the first borderlands (on disc), and I have lost it, is there a way to get it back? (I don’t remember if there was a login in bl1, If so, I could probably find it).

I have the vault hunter heads on my borderlands 2 game if this can prooves anything.

Thank you.

Borderlands 1 was never an on-line server-based game, so there is no ‘game login’. If you lost the disk, you will have to buy a replacement. The good news is that there’s an updated version - the BL1 GOTY Remaster - that includes all the DLC as well as some new weapons. Check the store for whatever platform you are on for details.

thanks for the quick answer, it was actually just for this week ends borderlands 3 event

In that case, I think you might need the GOTY Remaster? I believe the SHIFT system is being used to log accounts that play the game, and that didn’t exist in the original version. I could be wrong though - check the official announcement to see if it mentions the version.


The announcement mentions that you definitely have to be logged into SHiFT to log your gameplay, so yes, it would have to be the Game Of The Year 2019 Enhanced Edition on PC, PS4, or XBONE. For those with a PS4, coinciding with this event is a Free Play Weekend for the 2019 GOTY Enhanced Edition, and players that want to be able to keep playing after the Free Play Weekend is over will be offered a special discounted price to buy the game! :sunglasses:

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oh, ok, I thought if you had the original, you could participate to the event, thanks for the head s up guys