Fl4k Class Mods +

Can we see if we can get some screencaps/captures of Fl4k’s Class Mods that might have been spotted on the various gameplay videos available right now? If you can get pictures of any of 'em, post 'em here please.

Feel free to also post pictures of anything new that is Fl4k related as well (such as Fl4k-specific Anointed gear, heads/skins, and/or changes to current skills+Augments (changes from the online calc to what was in the vid).!

Here’s one from K6’s gameplay


Digging the new card design


Me too. I really appreciate the skill graphic that lets you know what tree and skill you should be looking at. That and the little face of the class who it belongs to so you can tell immediately without even reading who the mod is for. It’s the little things.


Very cool new card design! Thanks for posting. :slight_smile:

I’d like to point out the class mod doesn’t have a manufacturer listed on the card. I wonder if that’s the case for all class mods now.

But yeah, I really like the new card design.

Ooh, sniper class mod. :smiley:

I’d also be super interested if anybody has more of these to post. I haven’t been watching gameplay videos because I’m trying to avoid spoilers. Also agreeing that the new card design is awesome.


Some screenshots I gleaned from Joltz’s Eden-6 video


Some more from Dantics

08 54 26


Thanks for all the screen grabs. Somehow I missed the giant space hamster reference when I was playing around with the skills.

Some decent finds. I’m liking some of the COMs here.
The Shotgun Dmg buff from the Overdrive COM seems like it’d be fun since I plan on finding myself a nice Jakobs Shotgun to run’n’gun with.

Divergent’s Torgue Dmg buff seems cool too considering that I assume you’ll be able to get Torgue weapons to Crit while in Fade Away which can skyrocket damage.

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I’d like to see one with Leave No Trace, Two Fang and Overclocked
Extra Buffs to movement speed and critical hit damage

Gunslinger BABY!!!

or something to that effect

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This is awesome.

Grenade class mods! :smiley: Now I really want to know if Fade Away works like Decepti0n with being able to toss as many grenades as you want while invisible. Possibility for some fun Grenade FL4K builds.


i’m really happy with the quality of life improvements for this game. the cards look amazing and i enjoy that they have the actual perk there so you don’t have to memorize them

Two more from K6

How come Epic class mod in the first post is only ~1000$, while Common mod few posts down is ~2.5K? Same level 22…

Also, these prices seem to indicate that money is going to be more scarce, perhaps?

Could be selling the item vs buying

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The class mods look like they will be kind of nuts. We have two examples of Loyal Divergent (as well as with the t4mer coms) with two separate non-skill buffs (shield capacity and torgue weapon damage). It may be like BL1 where there are 2-4 different non-skill buffs that can appear on a COM in a couple different combinations/variations, depending on mats, but it will be absolutely amazing if the variety of coms themselves is beyond that.

If the coms allow for different non-skill buffs for the same com, but different variations (ie response overdrive may roll with shotgun damage buff, insert defensive buff here, or a loyalty buff, or any comination of the two/more possibilities), the build diversity will be absolutely amazing, with the trade off of more intense grinding to get the ideal parts.

Either way, excited!

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Really interesting, the COMs seem to have way more random stats on them this time around. Dahl Reload Speed and Splash Damage(T4mer)? Sniper Damage and Accuracy(Headcase. Are weapons inaccurate like Bl1?) Shield Capacity and Torgue Weapon Damage(Divergent)? Dahl Fire Rate and Grenade Capacity(Thrillbot)?

Seems like the COM’s name dictates the skills it can have, and the other stats are more random. More variety, but more of a PITA to farm? It will make allegiance runs more fun, not being restricted to what manufacturers even make a COM for your class!

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And sprinkle in some Nisha nonsense with Megavore potentially? haha, can’t wait to see the functionality of that confirmed or denied for grenades and rockets too.


Now just imagine if a legendary COM could boost a Capstone and if you already had said Capstone, you’d get some cool buff instead.

Back to the facts:
The simple fact that we now potentially no longer need to use the skills the COM has to get the bonuses makes so much possible:

  1. Have a COM that has some of the most essential skills for another playstyle and just switch on the fly. This also makes changes of roles in team compositions easier.
  2. Save some skill points and fill out the holes with a COM, which makes specialist builds much more viable.
  3. Obviously power up your favorite skills even further.
  4. A COM that uses skill sets that aren’t all reachable at the same time (skillpoint-wise) are now just fine, which means that COMs can give players an early taste of skills they can’t even reach yet.

Edit for clarification: We have no confirmation about that yet, but it was implied multiple times.

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