What's more fun 72 or op levels?

All in the title. I’d like to know what the community thinks.

OP levels for me. But getting there was a pita.

op is way better in my opinion

Reason why?

I can understand the appeal of OP levels, but I’ve always been happy at level 72.

OP0 with OP8 guns of course.


I think that would be fun I’ll try to get there


Though there are moments in OP 8 that are frustrating.

Yes- like when happened to me last night: get to the gate before you meet OMGWTH and a surveyor gets stuck in the background up near where the fast travel station is and none of your weapons can reach it and you have to quit and lose all the progress you made- that’s a pain :rage: … Other than that I enjoy OP8…

Lately we’ve been doing a lot of Badasses rounds in Murderlin @ OP8.
Probably the most challenging thing in BL2.
God I hate (and that’s an understatement) those invisible skeletons and the ones that shoot lasers out of their eyes.

That’s very brutal, quite unfair at times, especially with 2 Gaige.
So far, we’ve managed to clear 4 waves out of 6.
Finishing this, after dozens and dozens of tries, would be very, very nice.

Too bad there’s no proper reward for this though.


Speak for yourself.

You could always just try the OP levels and decide for yourself. If you decide that you don’t like them then just deactivate them (the game asks what overpower level you want to play as you unlock them. 0 means the mobs are the same as lvl 72)

I prefer playing on OP8. I only play at 72 when I’m playing in someone else’s game. It’s just not challenging. Maybe I’d find it challenging if I did so with 72 gear, but I don’t have any 72 gear left. Never had much to begin with. Just what I acquired to start myself through Digistruct Peak, and passed down to each character when they hit 72. Gave it all away after getting Krieg to OP8.

OP Levels are best. you can always scale the difficulty level back if you think it’s to hard

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Unfortunately you can’t scale your gear’s level back without gibbs… this has been my major complaint over the OP levels.


OP 8 for me
Lvl 72 is easier than 61 was, even more so with OP 8 guns on no OP levels.

Me & a friend had a blast clearing the dlc, & slaughter domes like the creature slaughter dome & badass round @ the magic slaughter dome (stupid traps lol)

OP 8 really isn’t all that hard anyways. Only the Peak @ OP8 is really/somewhat challenging.

Don’t let my comment fool you though, UVHM lvl 72 still is very fun.


Thanks for the replies they both sound fun. I’m gonna try for op 8 then maybe play at 72 or a lower op level so Dahl weaponry is more usable

Somehow, I found OP7 harder than OP8 in most of my runs @ the Peak.
But I’ve never done them until being properly equipped.

I can’t say since I went through OP 4-7 In a group with a mechromancer, Gunzerker, & a Psycho.

But once we unlocked OP 8 I told my friends I wanted to beat it Solo
for the completionist & sadist inside of me.

It’s also what all the cool kids on YT were doing XP
