I know this poll already exists. But, that poll was started months ago with little actual information on each character. Now were are approaching the final stretch with release a mere month away, we have character bios, introduction videos, and most importantly, full knowledge of the skill trees. Im curious to know if peoples choices have changed? I know that my opinion has… so who now is the most popular choice?
A permanent pet is just too cool. Many different playstyles seem possible, awesome voice, so is the hobo robot concept in general.
Will probably start an Amara and a Moze almost immediately anyway.
My BFF weighs in at 15 tons and has a dislike for COV minions.
(Solo is Good, A Pair is Better, A full Foursome is The Best !)
After all the info we have been given Moze is still my 1st choice. Straight up in your face offensive character. Or as i like to say…"Moze is an equal opportuity enemy offender, she will offend all enemies equally!
Interesting to see Zane is seemingly less favoured on the forums. He’s polling for 2nd on reddit, and was tied w/ Moze in Pitchord’s poll on twitter for 2nd. Similarly, Amara’s the least popular in those.
I was on the fence whether I should go for Moze or Zane, but I ended up going for Zane.
His skills makes him look like a mix between Wilhelm and Athena, two of my favorite characters in TPS, and he seems to be pretty good with assault rifles, which are my favorite weapons.
Their skill tree. Weapons with them. FL4K goes by “they/them” pronouns. Just a heads up. Lot of people getting that wrong.
BACK ON TOPIC! I kinda expected the results to be similar to the previous poll. FL4K has just garnered so much love and I can’t blame them. I’m still leaning towards Amara simply for her personality, but I suspect that I’ll change my mind when I get the game in my hands and give myself a bit more time to mull over their personalities.
I would pick Moze, but, while her trailer was great, she seems fairly standard soldier protagonist in many ways. Fun, but a stoic soldier. Zane is a tad zaney and I imagine keeping his kill skills active won’t be too hard once I get the hang of things. FL4K looks amazing and I love them, but they look like the character that’ll have the easiest time cheesing through the game (a temptation I’m not sure I need right off the bat) so I’m hesitant to pick them first. Amara just speaks to me. She is cool. She can be funny. She is fierce. She is a Siren. IDK. Amara for now, but perhaps things will change.
why would I play as Fl4k, judging from votepool Fl4k is gonna be most played VH so I am bound to see them anyway.
besides I am already gonna play Moze, and judging from game´s size, I am gonna play her a long time
(May this forum rest in peace - Davin Dittrich)
I will play all 4 of them anyway, so my “first” will be decided at random. Dice of destiny, I summon thee!
My gut instinct is that Fl4k would be perfect and that’s why I’m “undecided” as I fear that they are too much of a one-note-character. I love the cut and dry way their german voice is and how they are basically just mumbling for the sake of hunter’s narration, but I decided to let my first Vault Hunter be chosen at random.
(All out of kittens. )
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