You can touch your pet

Not a vid, but a story on the borderlands YouTube channel: hit the community tab.

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You can “touch” your pet VS. You can “pet” your companion

I eagerly await those, like me, who find their word choice quite odd and kinda creepy.
(I mean, you could always “touch” anything you wanted in the BL games. I don’t wanna “touch” my pet. I wanna pet my Skaggy, JabJab, and ANTonin Dolohov)

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Yeah, the first thing I imagined was one of the pets saying “I need an adult!”

I was thinking more along the lines of just putting a hand on its face or poking it. While my mind didn’t quite go that far I suppose that is still another reason it might be better to change it. I mean, how did “touch your pet” get greenlit? It’s so vague and stilted.

Moxxi " hey Fl4k can you take care of my pussycat too, she needs attention too you know "

Fl4k " I don´t think you really have a cat"

Moxxi " aww, you are such a bore "

Yes. Yes.
Quality animation work, too.

I would like to touch, yes.

Touch is good, a world that regards touch as a perversion should have war waged against it.

If you don’t like it then I say you need a hug.

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1: we live in that world
2: I REALLY do need a hug. I’m dead serious. It’s been over a month. My personal life is numb since my last two friends moved away.
3: That was TMI and I apologize.
4: I would still rather “pet” my pet rather than “touch” my pet because “touch” is such a general term. I can touch a wall as I lean on it. I can touch a book as I read it. I can touch a cat if it chooses to sit on my lap. I can touch anything in a plethora of ways. I don’t wanna lean on my pet. I don’t wanna flip through the pages of my pet. I wanna pet my Skaggy.


I invite you to consider a different paradigm, one where being a willing perversion to the norm is inevitable.

Sure you might end up ostracized by society, with no company but your “pets” but at least you can pet them.


  • Sudden intense and genuine (from perhaps unwelcome parties)*

I didn’t ask for permission because I didn’t want it… Or forgiveness for that matter.

Though I do apologize for the smell… I am perhaps somewhat unaccustomed to catering to the sensibilities of humans…

I get it, I really do… Human sensibilities. I’ve been surrounded by them my entire life.

Touch really is not a word a normal person would use when referencing how they interact with their pets…

But stop for a minute and consider that Fl4k isn’t a normal person… In fact from what we’ve been told Fl4k isn’t a person at all…

So why would Fl4k “touch” pets rather than “pet” pets…

It’s the same reason that you don’t “pet” your significant other, or your children, parents or anyone who is equal to you in your eyes.

Fl4k loves companions… Look at Fl4k’s skills and tell me they are inconsequential to Fl4k’s well being. They are obviously not.

To Fl4k they are the closest thing to a family Fl4k has ever known.

So you can “pet” Fl4k’s companions on the day that you can “pet” the people who matter to you and your life.

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I suppose that is a fair point. I should recognize that FL4K has probably spent most of their existence on the fringes of society. Comparing the experiences of myself and that of another which has experienced a completely different environment, culture, etc and judging them based on my own is a dick move (to say the least). I apologize for that. It’s something I’m working on.

I will say, however, that the reaction Skaggy (or whatever name one chooses for their pet) has an adorable AF reaction to the received affection. I will never apologize for that.