I want to play Zero which is one characters I play very little of.
I’m asking for gear recommendations that require a bit of skill, the harder to use the better NEEDS TO BE VIABLE so no stupid garbage like the WTF shield I’m not asking for garbage gear I’m asking for gear that has a higher skill ceiling in its category.
Moved you to the right spot. Probably the most challenging way to play Zer0 is melee, so you might want to take a look (I’d suggest work backwards!) through this thread:
If you want a real challenge, @bew_ did a gear-free play-through a while back. Otherwise, maybe take a look at some of the builds and the ‘honorable mention’ items in the best gear thread for inspiration. I’m sure some of the Zer0 regulars can come up with additional thoughts.
It’s always tough to know how exactly to give specific information when there aren’t specific questions.
Firstly check out the general tips thread :
Secondly, if you’re looking for a slightly tougher playthrough, perhaps try a Bandit allegiance Zer0. This forces you to use decent but definitely limited gear, including a roid shield.
Zer0 is great with shotguns and can do great things with the Sledge, RokSalt, Jolly Roger. Roid shields are easy to come by and fit nicely with Zer0’s hack and slash hybrid style. Probably best to not limit yourself to Bandit grenades - but certainly optional. Bandit relic would fit best, otherwise a cooldown relic is Zer0’s standard.
A target build with lots of options to move points around :
I personally run Grenade Zer0, sounds weird cause it is. I posted some terrible gameplay of it on youtube about a year ago. Gameplay with it has improved significantly since then, still need to work on collecting my BBB drops though. Viable for mobbing/story, not raiding at all, which kinda sucks.