Gaige TVHM Build

Hi guys,

I got through NVHM with no trouble, but since starting TVHM it’s been really hard. I’m just looking for a build that’ll get me through TVHM without much hassle.


Whats tour level and gear?

Sorry, should have put that in the original post.
Lvl38, I’ll post my gear when I’m playing her.

What’s your current build? You can use the skill calculator to post it. Make sure you post the whole link after you’ve filled it out. As for your question, something like this might help depending on your gear.

No problem!
Try it:

Upshot Robot and Robot Rampage were very key with Anarchy to me. Talking about Anarchy, if you dont like to play with high stacks you can spend just one point to get 150 as it doesnt hurt your accuracy so much and really helps with your damage output.
If you want I can post a spec with focus in BFF or LBT too.
For COM, the Prodigy is solid but I found Punk a great COM for fast stacking and shotgun play in general. See the top gear for guns, I usually play with slag grenades and turtle/adaptive or even nova because of BSS and my agressive playstyle.

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Cheers for the replies guys, I’ve got work in half an hour so won’t be able to post my build/gear until about 7:00 GMT, but I have got myself an Orphan Maker, I that helps.

Sorry I’m being so vague, my hours at work have changed so I’m rarely playing on my other toons, literally just farming the Warrior with my Commando as that’s all I have time for! Day off tomorrow though so if I don’t post tonight it’ll definitely be tomorrow.

The Orphan Maker is good only with the Rustler’s prefix, but synergyzes well with BSS

I can’t remember what prefix it is, but I’m fairly sure it’s not the Rustler’s prefix.

The Rustler’s increases projectile count by two, which is why it’s recommended for the Orphan Maker.

Ah ok, I didn’t know at the time, so I didn’t really bother looking for a certain prefix. Thanks for the heads up though, it’ll be useful for UVHM!

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