I know you want it. Don’t try to disagree. I see it in your eyes, this hunger and greed for more. Burn the planet…not enough, freeze landscapes…don’t make me laugh…poison every living organism, close enough…strike with the force of Zeus…I’m ok with that. But why stop at one element, when you can have ALL OF THE ELEMENTS at your disposal? All of them…in one weapon? No gliches, no bugs, just straight force of nature…cybernetically augmented to slice through enemies like a precision tool?
Level 50: http://thepresequel.com/Wilhelm/053000000005005101505105551000000
Level 60: http://thepresequel.com/Wilhelm/055510002005005101505105551000000
Level 70: http://thepresequel.com/Wilhelm/055510005505005121505105551000000
Hunter Killer Tree
Fire Support: We need every bit of power, so take it
Venom Bolts: The first element in our arsenal. Max it out, we need every last bit of it. Poison the land, spread death.
Suppression: Great skill for Blaster weapons, you will really see the difference.
Laser Guided: A great skill. Use it as much as you can, especially on the biggest enemy, so out corrosive DoT will be applied to it.
Cold War: The second element. Again, every point. Your enemies will freeze by your mere presence.
Escalation: Extremely good with Blasters, crits will get massive damage increase.
Cyber Commando
Laser Focus: We will only use one Laser. Enough said.
Targeting Scope: Boosts critical damage considerably. And like I said, we will need every bit of damage.
Power Fist: Thousand times yes, you can shatter even the biggest badasses with this fist if you’ve frozen them before.
Emergency Response: These 2 points were leftovers. Feel free to invest them otherwise, but I wouldn’t recommend switching them.
Shock Absorbers: Increases accuracy and damage while running. So sure, take it.
Divert Power: Provides great support for staying alive, boosts our survivabilty greatly.
Welcome to the Gun Show: One of your four main skills. Increases overall performance greatly.
Vengeance Cannon: With this build, this weapon will stay active for around 95% of the time. Take it.
Fortify: Buffs health and damage, when Saint is active, so this is good enough.
Energize: 5/5 in this one and you cannot be killed, when Saint is active. Also keep in mind, that this skill is your best health regen source.
Heatsinks: Synergizes well with our shield. We need this to reactivate Vengeance cannon more often.
Termination Protocol: I like it, acts like “Light the fuse” from BL2. You are a glass cannon, this will save your life more than once.
Your key to divinity. Forged in the deepest pits of hell, this monster graces us with the remaining two elemets: fire and shock. Although not the strongest laser in the game, it grants us 2 DoT’s, combining this with arguably the best element a weapon can have: shock.
Best parts:
- Maliwan Grip
- Maliwan Stock
- Maliwan Sight
Badaboom: Your FFYL weapon, use this when things need to die RIGHT NOW. There is no weapon that suits this job better.
Best Parts:
- Scav Barrel
- Torgue Grip
- Torgue Exhaust
- Heap’d Prefix
Miss Moxxis Vibra-Pulse: Nice backup weapon, especially if your action skill is running out in the midst of a heated battle. Use this only, if you are on the verge of death.
Best Parts:
- everything is fixed
MINAC’s Atonement: Four elements in one weapon. The theme of the build, though not as strong as the Thunderfire, as it only puts out one element per shot, whereas the Thunderfire puts out two at once.
Remaining Gear
Master Blaster Class Mod: This is without a doubt the best class mod there is for this build. It boosts three of our four main skills (+4 Venom Bolts, +4 Laser Focus and +5 Welcome to the Gun show), as well as giving bonuses to Laser accuracy and fire rate. You can use a High Tech Blaster class mod, the difference between those two is pretty much negligible.
Best Parts:
- +5 Welcome to the Gun Show
- +4 Venom Bolts
- +4 Laser Focus
Tediore Inflammable Instant: The best shield for this build. We use this over a Bulwark for the incredible recharge rate/delay. Combining this with our perks, you are always regenerating shield. Important to note: Because the recharge rate is so high and the capacity so low, Vengeance Cannon will be activated nearly every time when your shield is dropped.
- Hyperion Battery
- Dahl Body
Maliwan Capacitor with
Data Scrubber: A grenade, which boosts our shield recharge rate by a large margin. This thing will make sure, that your shield will ALWAYS be fully recharged. Throw this every time, when your shield is broken.
Best Parts:
- everything is fixed
3DD1.E: As always, for a Laser Wilhelm, nothing comes even close to this one. And for this build: DO NOT REPLACE IT! You will need the damage buff, as well as it’s surviving capabilities.
The Backup Plan
Longbow Quasar: Great allrounder, although for this build, you don’t really need it’s power. But feel free to use it.
Best Parts:
- 0.0 Fuse Time
Prismatic Bullwark: The go-to shield for a Laser-Wilhelm. Though not that great on this build, you can use it, if you feel the need of more power.
Best Parts:
- Maliwan Body
- Maliwan Battery
- Hyperion Capacitor
Thorny Ol’ Rosie: The best alternative for a Thunderfire. Though not as precise and lacking a second element, it will get the job done.
- Maliwan Grip
- Maliwan Stock
- Maliwan Sight
Celestial Enforcer: Not even close to the Master Blaster on this build, but the damage buff compensates for the loss of important skill buffs.
With the Thunderfire and your setup, you have all elements at your disposal. You don’t even need to switch weapons, as no opponent is resistant to ,
. Because of our perk selection, the lackluster damage of the Thunderfire is buffed to levels, where it can compete with high-class lasers like Rosie or Absolute Zero.
Drop Wolf/Saint and let loose hell. As your shield recharges at extreme rates, you will have your Vengeance cannon always up. Remember though: Wolf/Saint are not that much spec’ed, which means, that YOU are the main damage source AND the main target!
Again credits go to Ha_Na for the excellent video.
This build is amazingly funny! Though not as strong as my Captain Cold, it has the major advantage, that you only really need one gun.
As always, feedback is appreciated!