The pepperbox pistol?

I just saw a videoon youtube of the pepperbox and i wonder where you can get it, it was a beast!!

I assume any chest and enemy who can drop glitched gear.

Mine came from one of the glitch chests while running side quests. It is FREAKIN’ AWESOME!

Are u intressted in trading? im level 70 and My psn is nisse65.

It’s a level 50-something, I’m on XBox, and no - this thing is getting handed down from one character to the next! You could always try farming the various glitch chests then grinding the things you don’t want - there’s a grinder in the (Nexus? Cortex?) immediately to the right of the giant claptrap you see from the fast travel station when you spawn in. I haven’t seen a map of the various glitch chest locations within the DLC (yet), but the other option is to farm the mutator arena.

You can try this, its a 100% guaranteed glitch gun every time you save/quit. You need to restart UVHM if you have a single character tho. Also farming for a single gun from a chest is always pita.

I got mine while farming the Honey Pot chest.

Well, aslong as they aen’t going to patch it out like they did in BL2.
This revolver has been on my want list for ages.

I got mine from the Nexus Grinder.

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let’s keep farming the DLC bosses, I want one.

ok. I’m down to farm whomever. Love collecting glitched weapons and grinding them. I should be online around 4pm tonight PST.Continuing the discussion from The pepperbox pistol?:

Aw man, how unlucky… Two fee is the worst possible prefix for the Pepperbox…

I wouldn’t count on this video. This is very similar to moonshot farming EOS and you can only do it while on that current mission. I bet it got patched out.

I farmed Denial again this morning before work. I have mastered the Muckamuck Glitch that effects other guns and owned him. He dropped 5 level 70 glitch guns, all kinda average but I grinded out a pretty sweet Aegis pistol and sick SMG.

I didn’t feel unlucky when it popped out of the Grinder. This thing wrecks face! That being said, it just uses too much ammo when dual wielding pistols. I have to go back to my Dastardly Luck Cannon to conserve ammo. But definitely fun to play with.

That’s funny. I did the same thing this morning. I wanted to see if the 3x drop rate is making a difference. I haven’t notice anything yet. I need to put in more time to properly evaluate…I’ll be farming tonight.

I’m running out of storage. I may have to start leveling up a mule.

Do you have a link to the increased drop rate info?

I’ll try and paste a link…hope this works.


sick!!! post that in one of the main forums.

is the hotfix in now or are they working on it now and it to be added here shortly?