Who needs a Storm Front when this Grenade far, FAR out performs it.
I haven’t seen anything like it…absolutely DESTROYS shields.
And I’m talking those bitch of a shield the Pandoran Soldiers have…and especially Hector’s Lieutenants PITA shields.
And I am talking at OP 10 level.
Just WOW! I was struggling a bit farming the Lieutenants for the World Burn and the Hot Mama. Tried that Grenade and it turned the encounters into easy street…at OP 10!
Could be said it’s an easier farm than the Storm Front too. Farming the ninja rats is a bit of a slog. Plus it only comes in lobbed, which is my 2nd choice in grenade delivery systems after longbow, but at least it will never come in rubberized.
My Gaige uses it instead of a Storm Front now. Oh she loves it.
The only Antifection I have dropped at OP 8 Level even though I was at OP 10. so I haven’t tried it. Good golly I hope Gearbox eliminates that “feature” from Borderlands 3. Loot dropping not at the same level is just maddening. GREAT!..a drop!..after two hours of farming!..well sh!t…it’s two levels below me…