Strongest Gaige?

So I’ve been curious… which is the strongest Gaige? Or the most fun in your opinion? I really like both Shock and Anarchy. This is all for UVHM, level 72 btw.

Shock Gaige? (along with Shock equipment + shock proof Black Hole + Legendary Catalyst) <— How shocking. I never thought it would be so fun! Wait… is that a Super Badass Shock Skag? OH MY GOD, RUN RUN RUN

Anarchy Gaige? (with many points done in the BFF tree & Ordered Chaos) <-- This one is really fun if you skill her right in UVHM. Wait, bullets?! Where the hell are you going? I aimed at the skags, not the sky!

or a Hybrid Gaige? (points in all 3 trees, but not many in Anarchy) <— Not sure. It depends on the area.


When I first started playing Gaige I went with the LBT and BFF trees and completely avoided OC. But after reading several comments from players on the Gamefaqs boards about how powerful Anarchy could be I decided to give it a try and haven’t looked back. With any type of Redundant Fibber, Lady Fist or shotgun she just wrecks stuff in no time, especially if i toss a Bee on her. I usually run with a L. Anarchist class mod but will use a CE Necromancer, L. Mechromancer or L. Roboteer depending on the area…

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A friend gave me this. It’s really fun. L. Mechromancer class mod, Inflammable Shield of the Firehawk, DP Unkempt Harold, Conference Call, Consummate Florentine, Hefty Avenger. Though, I modified some stuff.

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No shield skills except Myelin? Kind of unusual- mind if I ask why?

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I am not sure. Like I said, friend gave me this. Though it could be due to the novas of the Flame of the Firehawk.

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She’s fun all around, but my favorite is the Little Big Trouble tree (especially with a Legendary Catalyst COM), but think building around Anarchy gives her more damage output.

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Poka’s Perfect waifu & Twisters Twisted twister build are both great fun ways too go.

At the moment I run this though, with either Legendary catalyst or Legendary Anarchist


Meant to edit this post long ago… My new fav way to play Gaige, this build rocks!

inspired by some of the posters here, my knowledge of Gaige and other research. Give it a shot!
Best used with a Chaotic Good Necromancer, and or Legendary Mechromancer.


I really like having 10/5 blood soaked shields, with a Legendary Anarchist and its skills. Stacks on stacks on stax, full shields (protip: get a Black Hole) and massive speed boost on kill. I really wish WDT and IO weren’t so low in the skill tree, I’d get less headache then, and just go full-on BFF/Ordered Chaos, because if you ask me, every other skill in the LBT tree is meh, I wouldn’t bother with it if I didn’t have a legendary Catalyst. Alright, elemental DT is nice too

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I’m running this:

Leg. Anarchist,
Black Hole,
Slag longbow Crossfire,
Relic that increases cooldown/shock damage

Emperor/Bekah (depending on mood)

Works fine on OP8 and I’ll be sticking to it.

Been hesitant ot make a thread about this, and still do.

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Black Hole? Why not Grounded Black Hole? It has worse capacity, but has immunity to Electricity and has better stats than the normal Black Hole. (save for capacity)

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10/5 in Myelin gives 60% resistance to shock damage (unless it gets calculated diffirently it is rather 40/50%), making shock resistant capacitors redundant, which allows you to go for fire immunity (which is impossible on the BH) or highest possible capacity.

When you have BSS and UF, the only thing you want is high capacity really. Which is another reason why Myelin is one of the better tier 1 skills imo.



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Get an high amp bee shield with an fibber and 5/5 in close enough, 5/5 in BSS and 1/1 in buck up aim for the ground and you win the game.

For bonus points get 10/5 wires don’t talk, a shock fibber, and a chaotic neutral necromancer class mod and go to the peak and when a surveyor comes aim for the ground and you will kill it instantly. HA HA HA HA HA (that’s what they get, any other class has trouble with them)

Pryo Pete on op8 also fails miserably to this combo but pyro pete just fails in general.

Keep in mind the NINE pellets from a barrel 3 fibber are unlisted and don’t receive the penalty from close enough AND the fibber is useable at 400 stacks of anarachy. And if I’m doing the math correctly that means Gaige automatically kicks ass.


Completely overlooked that- thanks for clearing that up…

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I know this is off topic but me and a friend desperate to get to op lvl 8
Already at lvl 6 please help
Add redeyejapeye

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That… wow.

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You can find fellow PSN players in the PSN online play and trading section.

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Thanks. New to the forum. Still finding my way around

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I´m running this build at the moment. Maybe it´s not the funniest build but the one who has two things: First, a high damage output with a fibber, a pimpernelle, a twister and every other shock weapon.
And second, a high compatibility with nearly each legendary COM. Only the Roboteer COM is totally useless with her.

And this is also the negative point: Dethtrap is totally useless in this build. I play OP8 without using him once. Your damage is depending on you not on your little helper.
If you want to have fun don´t try it but if you want to have one of the highest damage outputs with Gaige and want some freedom at the COM slot…use it and be impressed how fast the opponents will fall.

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Nice- but if you don’t mind my asking, why not 5/5 in Fancy Mathematics instead of Potent as a Pony and Made of Sterner Stuff? BSS is a great skill but in situations where you may not be getting constant kills such as some boss fights, Fancy Mathematics would help keep your shields up during the fight…

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